"Retro" Fire Dept

Oh, horrors...
Retro's great.....for parades....for an actual every-day response vehicle, that's just not safe. Plus, never liked those Chevy HHR's (think that's what it is...)
Rofocowboy84 said:
Retro's great.....for parades....for an actual every-day response vehicle, that's just not safe. Plus, never liked those Chevy HHR's (think that's what it is...)

+1. They look like a hearse.
its not a daily first out response, its a admin car.. so officers from HQ only.

And parades, yet it was not in this year's... go figure.
Not a bad idea for a public relations vehicle, but the CP100 housing with a light inside of it is... uhhhh... well... ?
Also, siren lights were generally mounted in the center of the roof, off center ones were on the fender.
philyumpshus said:
I would've put a Beacon Ray on it with a small 12v mechanical siren on the fender.
Didn't somebody do that, or at least something similar? I believe it was deputychief301, but it was on a PT Cruiser.
dmathieu said:

Perfect size vehicle for a Junior Beacon Ray.

Yes! Perfect application for a Junior Beacon Ray.

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