Someone ship this guy overseas....

Man and to think of it how every time i see someone in walmart or somewhere in their uniform and i thank them for serving our country, it just pisses me off to think that now i have to think if this guy is a poser too! But if i saw someone with that soggy of a midsection in uniform i'd be questioning it too!
that guy deserves to be shot for what he is doing,hopefully he gets locked up for impersonating
This makes me sick to my stomach. The smirk that this POS has on his face in one of those pictures makes me want to punch him in the spare tire he is carrying around his waist. They would have to put him in the fat-body platoon if they did ship him over there. Oh right now my blood is boiling, I am glad that someone confronted his idiot and threw him to the wolves.
I just read an article online that said the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declared the Stolen Valor Act unconstitutional yesterday (August 17).
03crownvic said:
I just read an article online that said the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declared the Stolen Valor Act unconstitutional yesterday (August 17).

From what I understand, only ceartain parts were. Basically the part about stating you served. Actually wearing the uniforms and saying you served falls under SVA.

Someone can go and say they served, even thought they didn't, and not get into trouble. Someone who is wearing a uniform from the military and goes up and says they are in or have served is still SVA.
WOW! Truth that there are some messed up people out there.

Thanks to our troops who really did/do serve and not this idiot.
This guy needs to be strung up by the short hairs..... to think he has the gall to impresonate someone who has served our country.... this just pisses me off!!!! :x To those of you reading this who actually have served our country...THANK YOU!! :D
Its very surprising these days, many military men are so out of shape and fat. Years ago during

World War 1 and 2 along with Korea and Vietnam had soldiers in great shape. Hopefully now

days this pandemic is not affecting the war effort out there. :roll:
i spotted the instant "fail" as soon as i finally got to see the pics

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