Sound Off Signal Undercover LED insert (Lighthouse)


Lifetime VIP Donor
May 20, 2010
Photos/video/additional info to follow shortly.

Sound Off Signal Undercover LED insert

A.K.A. Sound Off Signal "Lighthouse"

A.K.A. Sound Off Signal "Generation 1" ... _UCLED.htm

Holy heck, what a chunk of metal! This thing is by far the "largest" of the LAW's I am comparing. It is at least 1 inch tall from the base. Very apparent its "there" even when turned off. Also likes to heat up pretty well when it is running. I'd be wary about letting it run for an extended time in a small housing, but that's just me. Also, and probably the biggest drawback- it needs to be mounted exactly vertically. The "lighthouse" lens on it has to be oriented vertically, as it throws a very wide but narrow in height beam pattern. No side/diagonal/angled mounting this bad boy.

With all that said, man is this bugger bright as snot! So far it has "out shone" all the other LAW's by far, in INTERIOR COMPARISONS. (minus the new generation sound off LAW- those have not been tested at all yet) It does have to be aimed properly, as half is the lens, and the other half is a solid chunk of metal. I have yet to "pull it apart" as it does appear the lens is easily removable, due to the two screws mounted in the lens itself.

A very clean, distinct white (roughly 6000k) light produced. Personally, if it was not for the mounting limitations, and size, I would be using it as my primary LAW.
John Hearne said:
... This lighthead is optimized for installation in the front corners of a Crown Vic. Other applications just don't seem to work as well as the lightheads is more perfectly focused for the Crown Vic.
It is "optimized" to be installed/mounted vertically- as these were just "as effective" when mounted in my mustang turn signals, as they were on CVPI side markers...
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emtmike said:
what is the cost of these roughly?
Dunno, I would personally not purchase them, I prefer the new SOS undercovers much more than these.

IIRC, I purchased that set used or NOS for 150ish?

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