SS2000 Mic/Siren. Video Example Added


Jun 1, 2010
I know the video will get all us buffs to come read :lol:

Just had a few questions maybe you guys could answer:

First, I just got a Mic for my SS2000. At work when we put on yelp you can hold down the mic and release it real quick to get a quick blurt of the siren. It's almost like a really fast manual tone but a lot better sounding IMO. However, with the Mic I have that doesn't work. Its like it doesn't engage/disengage fast enough and you get almost a second of siren coming out before it cuts off. Could it be the mics at work are just more broken in? Any ideas?

Video attached. The sound I'm talking about is closer to the end of the video.

Also the gold relay box that activates when the unit is powered on, gets very very hot. Its the only part of the unit that gets hot. Is this normal??? ((Picture of the relay that gets hot is posted below))

UndercoverVLS said:
Just had a few questions maybe you guys could answer:

First, I just got a Mic for my SS2000. At work when we put on yelp you can tab the mic to get a quick blurt of the siren, almost like a really fast manual. However, with the Mic I have that doesnt work. its like it doesnt engage/disengage fast enough and you get almost a second of siren coming out. Could it be the work mic are just more broken in? Any ideas?

Also the gold relay box that activates when the unit is powered on, gets very very hot. Its the only part of the unit that gets hot. Is this normal??

So are you saying when you have the yelp activated and press the mic that you get a semi manual tone?

Also which gold relay box are you refering to?
no, activate yelp and hold the mic down. Then release it and keep pushing it. Its the way alot of guys do it as it seems to be easier then leaning over and pressing the button and when you want full siren, just let go of PA. But the MIC i have doesnt seem to be having the same effect as the ones at work do...

its the relay box that activates when the unit is powered on. I beleive its right next to where the main power cable connects.
UndercoverVLS said:
no, activate yelp and hold the mic down. Then release it and keep pushing it. Its the way alot of guys do it as it seems to be easier then leaning over and pressing the button and when you want full siren, just let go of PA. But the MIC i have doesnt seem to be having the same effect as the ones at work do...

its the relay box that activates when the unit is powered on. I beleive its right next to where the main power cable connects.
Ok, I think what you are saying is that when you have yelp activated you are wanting to override it in rapid intervals by rapidly pressing the pa mic button. As to why your mic is not doing what you want it to do, i am not sure because i dont know how your stuff is set up, and i am still not exactly sure what you are asking :D

As for a gold relay box near the power wire, that sounds like something done by whoever installs your equipment. The SS has numerous internal relays, but the box is black.
Post pics of the Gold Box. I have never seen a SS2000 with a Golden box. Mabey you hit the jackpot. lol
that is what's getting Very hot, after about a second or 2 you cannot touch it. stock picture and my actual unit....


I think what you are hearing is them holding the air horn button while it is in yelp mode. you can get the same effect by pressing the manual button. now if you depress the pa mic real quick off/on/off/on you will get a sort of similar effect.
Thanks for the reply. As far as getting the tone, I know it's by using the mic while yelp is activate, I do it at work all the time. But I can't seem to do it on the unit in my car. It doesn't have the same effect :?:
UndercoverVLS said:
Thanks for the reply. As far as getting the tone, I know it's by using the mic while yelp is activate, I do it at work all the time. But I can't seem to do it on the unit in my car. It doesn't have the same effect :?:

Swap the units! :twisted:

GranPrix said:
Swap the units! :twisted:


+1. I did that with one of our trucks that I could not get the horn ring to work right. Just swapped the unit out of my POV for the one in the truck.

Unfortunatley it is going to be hard to really diagnose and give you a good answer without beeing there to look at it. If you feel like making a drive to Middle TN let me know :D
MPD 818 said:
I think what you are hearing is them holding the air horn button while it is in yelp mode. you can get the same effect by pressing the manual button. now if you depress the pa mic real quick off/on/off/on you will get a sort of similar effect.

Just bored and watched the video again. You were actually right, they are getting that effect by having yelp enabled and holding the AH, and occasionally letting it go causing yelp to come back briefly.

But my issue was what you mentioned at the end. Having yelp enabled and using the mic to interrupt and get the same effect. :cool:

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