sufficient lighting?

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May 24, 2010
07 impala was going to be for a customer, trade my explorer for an impala do it up to his liking and sell it, never worked out....

1-whelen inner edge linz6

2- whelen innerbeams

3- head light flashers

4- rumbler or howler system with vehicle specific mounts

5- grover 1510 stuttertone airhorn with all wires cables compressor and reserve tank

6- tail light flasher

7-possibly mirror beams for the car in red red or redwhite split per head

8-console to mount all items needed, its going to need to be big, holding alot of stuff

9-minimum of 6 linz6 in red white 2 on the rear license plate, 2 on the front license plate 2 in the little windows in the back seat

10-led hide away red white split per head or 2 red 2 white

11- sound off signal intersection lights, the ones that clip under the mirror

now what i have for the car

1- 2 dual talons for the rear window

2-front corner strobes


4-sp mark VII siren


6-2 fedsig dynamax speakers, 2 cpi speakers

now not sure which grille lights to put in any ideas?

yes i know 3 sirens is alot but this is going to be my response car for my volly ems service, and also my "flagship" car to call it for my shop that i am opening up to show the customers

let me know

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Three forms of "mirror" lights. Yes.

I thought the whole point of the Inner Beams was an interior version of the Mirror Beams.

Sometimes more isn't always better.
Talking about grille lights . There are 2 grilles upper and lower. I would go with Rect14's upper and 2 Rect25's in lower .
Pimp said:
Three forms of "mirror" lights. Yes.

I thought the whole point of the Inner Beams was an interior version of the Mirror Beams.

Sometimes more isn't always better.
well im looking for the maximum intersection warning, im shit scared since my bus was in an accident a few weeks ago and a friend totaled his car last year and another friend smacked up recently so im looking for the most intersction as possible, im in a busy city and i want to be seen
VolEms said:
Talking about grille lights . There are 2 grilles upper and lower. I would go with Rect14's upper and 2 Rect25's in lower .
well i have 4 sho me micro lites in red so i may put 2 in the upper grille and ill get 2 white ones and have them x the red and white in the lower grille
if you want good intersection, put something 90* on the front end, like where the factory fog lights would go... aiming 90* straight out the sides. that way you can poke the nose out into the intersection and give the flashies a chance to work instead of having 6 ft from the front bumper to the mirror lights.

also you want to do HAW, TLF, and corner strobes all at the same time? that will washout. do ONE of those.. TLF and HAW dont work well together.

3 sirens? 4 including the rumbler?

for a Imp this is what I personally would do.



HAW in low beams (running as high a power as you can get)

r/w ghosts in the lower grille where the fog lights would be, aimed between 45* and 90* to the sides

2 400 series LIN12 splits R/W W/R running on a ulf44 in the lower grille on either side of the LP

inner edge R with W TDs

mirror beams R/R


R/A ghosts in the rear windows mounted to the headliner just aft of the B pillar




Rear lower inneredge RRAAAARR


Smart siren

rumber (if ya really want)
only tlf in the front hlf and strobes, the rear im putting the 2 dual talons since i may throw a dominator or a ta in the headliner in the rear in the future
i would avoid hanging stuff from the top of the rear window, its gonna be right in the people in the back seat's hair
well im working on it i always liked having a ta in the back and having deck lights, when i get it im going to test it out and see what i can do with the car, oh and also my backseats are rarely used they usually hold crap that i use on a daily basis, not really for people
true , not all at once prob going to use the mark 7 just for the man button, the sm will be used for lighting functions as well as a siren ,and the pa300 well i love it and the man button ,so yea max would be 2 sirens at one time
If you got creamed at an intersection, and it scared you, good, but adding more lights isn't the solution - heads up driving and constant situational awareness are going to do a lot more for you in the long run.

Specialized intersection lights have been available for at least 20 years, and where do we still have the bulk of our collisions?

If you want all that for the sake of having it, fine, but there isn't any way I could justify hanging all that off of a agency car. If one of the troops told me he wanted four sirens I'd tell him to go to Walmart and buy a handheld gas boathorn.

How about knocking 2/3rds to 3/4s off your list and taking a high performance driving class instead?
me personaly, knock on wood , i have never gotten into an accident, but here in ny , alot of crazy drivers, also as stated before im going to be using this prretty much as my show off car for my new install shop so i wanna do something a little crazy
Stendec said:
If you got creamed at an intersection, and it scared you, good, but adding more lights isn't the solution - heads up driving and constant situational awareness are going to do a lot more for you in the long run.

Specialized intersection lights have been available for at least 20 years, and where do we still have the bulk of our collisions?

If you want all that for the sake of having it, fine, but there isn't any way I could justify hanging all that off of a agency car. If one of the troops told me he wanted four sirens I'd tell him to go to Walmart and buy a handheld gas boathorn.

How about knocking 2/3rds to 3/4s off your list and taking a high performance driving class instead?

Not trying to preach, but i was going to say something along the same lines. I will not procede thru a red light or stop sign unless i make eye contact with every driver, and make sure that they see me and they know i see them. Its better to take a few extra seconds at an intersection than to not arive on scene at all. No amount of lighting will catch the attention of that careless, texting driver. I agree intersection warning is needed, but i wouldnt go all out on it. Corner strobes and mirror beams work well
def. too much IMO. don't get me wrong...being a fellow whacker, i love a lot of blinkies too, but there's a point where too many looks tacky. i trimmed down the list u made above with how i'd do it if it was my car.

--whelen inner edge linz6

-- head light flasher

-- ghosts behind the grill (the impala grill in the 2007-ish models has very narrow slots so u will have a hard time with getting most lighting to go thru without being blocked significantly)

-- tail light flasher

-- (2) linz6 on the rear license plate (1 solid red and i solid amber; avoid clear to the rear)

-- sound off ghosts clipped under the mirror

-- 2 dual talons for the rear window

-- 10-75 bracket with linz6's for front intersection or mount the linz6's on the side of a pushbumper

-- Havis console

-- ss2000sm

-- rumbler or howler system with vehicle specific mounts

-- fedsig dynamax speakers

i really don't think LAWs/HAWs work well in the front of an impala (due to the housings), and i think it'd repetitive to have LAWs/HAWs in the reverse and brake lights if u have a TLF too, so i'd choose 1 or the other for the rear. this is how i personally'd do it, but since u want it to be your demo car, feel free to "whacker" it out as much as u want by adding more lights to the front, rear, and sides (i.e. behind the b-post and/or the c-post)
ok well to stop all the confusion ill explain in detail how i want to do the car

front-linz6 inner edge rw, inner beams r or rw if possible, mirror beamsr or rw if possible,sos intersection lights, hlf, corner strobes, 10-75 license plate cracket with linz6 rw

grille- the uper grille- 2 sho me micro lites r

lower grille 4 sho me micro lites 2 r 2 w going in the x pattern

side grille- 2 linz6 rw

rear-tlf, 2 linz6 not sure of the colors ra split or r solid a solid or rw split horizontal bracket

rear window 2 dual talons rw and possibly a ta not quite sure on the ta yet

interior-not sure which one but going to put a console- in the console ss2000sm,pa300,markVII, now some switches, im looking at carling switches, 2 momentary one for the rumbler one for the grover stuttertone airhorn,

speakers- 2 fed sig dynamax 2 cpi compak speakers
Its never too much. You need to be seen by day and its never enough. At night a Teardrop on the roof is enough.
i completely agree thats whyim putting a bunch of stuff exterior mounted i dont want the flashback, at night when on a call just flip on the exterior lights and throw a rotator on the roof
emtmike said:
well im looking for the maximum intersection warning, im shit scared since my bus was in an accident a few weeks ago and a friend totaled his car last year and another friend smacked up recently so im looking for the most intersction as possible, im in a busy city and i want to be seen

All the lights in the world aren't going to save you if you drive like an idiot. Take an EVOC class (apply what you learn), drive defensively, apply some sense and you should get there in one piece. Adding more lights isn't necessarily going to save you from getting plowed into (or, for that matter, plowing into someone).

Better yet, if your EMS service (Hatzolah, in New York City, I'm guessing) is so busy, why not staff the units as much as possible? This would (almost) eliminate the need for you to equip your own car with all the lights, as well as possibly decrease the call to at patient's side (patient access) time (in other words, in a world when every second counts, providing better customer service).
damn and i thought my car had too much! one rotator (SVP teardrop), one set of grill lights, one mini phantom, one talon on the deck along with vertex in the rear reverse housing.... throw a lightbar on top. it will save most of the headache. or hell if you got the money install the entire list and put a video up!
The veteran members may remember this story. A few years ago I was responding to a cardiac arrest call. I was driving on the main road, with secondary roads every few hundred yards that all had stop road didn't. I was making a ton of noise, 200W siren on yelp and air horns, and all of the bright things flashing. That still didn't stop some dumb f**k from pulling out right in front of me. She didn't just run the stop sign (still got a ticket for that though, lol), she stopped, supposedly looked left and right, and then pulled out right in front of me.

Moral of the story is, sometimes no matter how bright or loud you are, people will still do stupid things. Either way, I do agree with what some have said. Save some of that money and take at minimum an EVOC class, even up to a "performance driving school" class like Ibby said.
The short answer is yes - way to much. Absolutely lose the air horns. 3/4 truck or higher only - that has to be in some by-laws somewhere.
In case anyone didn't notice, this thread is almost a year old and was revived by a "Newbie" member. :rolleyes: This install has probably come and gone...
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