SVP 9200 Series - Star Mini Bar Troubleshooting


Veteran Member
May 16, 2010
I took one of these on trade in, and it seems to work only when it wants to. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Anyone have any experience working on these? Where would I begin? I doubt it's still under any sort of a warranty.

[Broken External Image]:

Or does anyone have any realistic suggestions for fixing it up to make a profit on it?
Those things are a dime a dozen in these parts (with SWS being a canadian company), the circutry should be encapsulated in a little box if Im not mistaking. they sell new for just over 100$ here, Id part it out maybe, theyre only 10watt strobes i think, not the most impressive. they alternate double flash. a capacitor could be gone, not storing up enough energy.
localhero800 said:
ooooorrrr.. you could pimp it out!!! with some pimp pods on the outside of the strobe housings.. placed vertical on them... then take a video!! :D
+ 1

than list it on BST, and profit. :cool:
Jared @ 911Lights said:

I don't have any in-stock to trade you for, but shoot me an email and I'll get you an RMA to send it back for repair.

The Star 9200s are 24 Watts, you have to remember SWS is a completely separate company, they only buy SOME of their parts and products from Star/SVP.


I knew they were somewhere around that wattage, i figured 10-12 each.

Are the ones pimp is speaking of the SVP model? Ive seen the extruded aluminum frame type being made/assembled at SWS in Niagra.

Do like Jared Suggests, SWS/SVP are real good with warranty. I know the SWS side has no-questions-asked warranty exchange.
Just had a friend call looking for a halogen mini bar. How hard would it be to gut the strobes and throw some rotators in there?

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