chono said:I was wondering what all your guys and gals thoughts on police reserves are? Love em or hate em?
NPS Ranger said:If you love em it might be considered CUBO.
Mike L. said:Well since I used to be a reserve I guess I am biased but I loved it. I was lucky because I was on a department that treated us as equals rather than as flaggers with a gun. We had excellent training and were given a lot of freedom. In fact every year the full timers would take a day off for their guild christmas party and us reserves would patrol the city (a full time watch commander would be present with us). Lots of fond memories but when I left my CSO position due to pay issues they ended my Reserve status as well.
If a department as a whole is supportive of a reserve program then that program could be one of the best resources for a city or county. However, if they treat the reserves like crap and don't respect them then it can bite the agency in the ass. A reserve program is one of the best ways to educate the public about LE.
My old department had explorers, reserves, CSO's, Senior Patrol, Citizens Academy, and Teen Academy. With all of these our city populus had a healthy respect for our dept and our job - even when other depts were facing scrutiny over use of force, tactics, etc.
ParkPiggy said:Weired about the no off duty carry. Since HR218 was passed, if you are a commissioner\d officer who carrys on duty, you are permitted to carry off duty. Although, I guess your dept's chief could discipline basing it as policy.
Anyway, my full time dept has reserves, who are commissioned officers. They have to volunteer 16hrs a month, and attend all required yearly dept training. They do not do solo patrol, are not permitted to work side jobs, but are permitted to carry off duty. They are asked to help with events requiring traffic or crowd control. We have no part time nor do we have non-commissioned auxiliary officers.
My part time dept has full and part time, but no reserves or auxiliaries.
Jared @ 911Lights said:Level 2: Full Police Powers except Fire Arms or Traffic Stops
and are allowed to work with any division.