Toon80's updated collection, Dec 6th 2011


Veteran Member
May 24, 2010
Laval, Canada
Hey all :)

I updated my collection post.


From top to bottom, we have my FedSig side of the collection:

AeroDynic 25RWL Wrecker style with twin rotators

AeroDynic 24R with all-clear used domes that are being wet-sanded now. If you have color combo to suggest to me, give it a shot :)

LAPD AeroDynic 24EAH-T2Z; from the 17th district. It's missing the feet and alleys. They are not fully restored yet.

LAPD AeroDynic 24EAH

NYPD AeroDynic 24RMVF-2Z

JetSonic J-CAL, believed to be from the Alameda County Sheriff's Office

Below all these are the power supplies, switchboxes, a PA15A 1-E, and a Dominion Auto round top beacon.

I have a thing for Aerodynics, I can't help it....

Then, these are mostly the bars and beacons that were around when I grew up. Mostly Code 3 and Dominion Automotive, except for the Mars Skybolt. Federal Signal, until recently, was almost non-existent around here.



From top to bottom:

Code 3 Force 4 XL, from a Montreal firetruck. Still has the property ID sticky tag on the lens.

My custom-made Dominion Automotive Montreal PD cross-bar. 2 NOS Dominion auto flat top beacons with a CP25 speaker.

MX7000 from the Quebec Provincial police.

Mini Code 3 XL sealed beam in Christmas setup, powered by a modified computer power supply. Click the video!

Here are a few others DA beacons I have.



This last picture's DA flat tops are now on the Montreal PD crossbar.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask ;)

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Very nice.

I see you are also into the Dominion lights.

What model Dominion blue light is on top of the Cape Pacific motor life boat in the TV show "The Guard"? They showed a quick close-up of it only once that I have seen.

It looked like the "lighthouse" style, with two cone shaped reflectors revolving around a stationary bulb. Sort of like the rotators in an old Whelen 80 bar.

CFD125, I'll try to see more of that boat but I just checked the Canadian Coast Guard site and pictures are very small.

The "Cape Pacific's" real name is the "Cape St-James". Right now, I can't tell, but I'll keep looking!
CFD125 said:
It looked like the "lighthouse" style, with two cone shaped reflectors revolving around a stationary bulb. Sort of like the rotators in an old Whelen 80 bar.

Most lighthouses are very much like a Beacon Ray Junior. A single light bulb with revolving lenses.

Pretty much. I guess they grow on you when you saw them around for such a long period. They were ALL OVER the place in eastern Canada.
Simple, yet nice :) .
I love the wrecker aerodynic and the DA beacons, especially the junior!
toon80 said:
AeroDynic 24R with all-clear used domes that are being wet-sanded now. If you have color combo to suggest to me, give it a shot :)

Ahh, I see you found one like mine ;) ! If you want to use alternating colors for bulbs, here's some ideas:thumbsup::


Bulb facing front/Bulb facing rear, Bulb facing rear/Bulb facing front

R = red, B = blue, A = amber, G = green, C = Clear

R/C, R/C

B/C, B/C

A/C, A/C

G/C, G/C

B/R, B/R (My personal favorite :D )

A/R, A/R

G/B, G/B

R/G, R/G (maybe not, you already have the red/green Code 3 SD :haha: )

A/G, A/G (Green Bay Packers!)

B/C, R/C

A/B, A/R

R/G, B/G

R/B, A/G (All colors, no clear)

Of course, you can use two colors on each side, like A/A on one side, B/B on the other. The possibilities are many!
Thanks for the kind words, everybody :)

CrownVic97, I started polishing the clear domes, I'll let you know what color combo I'll choose when I'm done ;)
motorolamaniac said:
That collection is looking really good, sir!

Hey Jeff, by the way, you can see your AeroDynic dome pieces you sent me installed on the LAPD all-light. Thanks again, it was a success :)
ERIC6913 said:
i have an extra set of LAPD feet with lights if you need them

I have them but the darn holding screws to the welded support are so rusted inside they won't come apart.... :( I'll try more PB Blaster inside...
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Nice - liking the LAPD aero - mine has still been untouched since when we both bought them back in june.

Where did you say you got that security bit again?
Thanks for the comment :)

The Security Bits were from a local hardware store. I don't remember which one but it was on an industrial zone where you have steel shops and oil refinery plants... To find them, I asked around in auto stores and one guy directed me to this place.

A quick search on the Canadian Tire website gave me a set of security bits for sale for 15$ ish.

That LAPD Aero was quite a job. Not very dirty inside but I took it completely apart, cleaned it, and put it back together. I was happily surprised to see that a quick wash with soapy warm water brought the rotators reflectors back to almost new in minutes. The tideous job were the domes. Again, not very weathered but once you start removing deep scratches, you end up sanding the whole damn thing all over again. Motorolamaniac supplied me with the broken dome pieces smashed by UPS and I siliconed them back in place with very good results.

If your LAPD Aero is in the same shape, I'd say the main challenge will be the domes. And if they are beyond repairs, I recall Motorolamaniac has some for sale :)
toon80 said:
CrownVic97, I started polishing the clear domes, I'll let you know what color combo I'll choose when I'm done ;)

10-4! Standing by :thumbsup: .
Motorolamaniac supplied me with the broken dome pieces smashed by UPS and I siliconed them back in place with very good results.

If your LAPD Aero is in the same shape, I'd say the main challenge will be the domes. And if they are beyond repairs, I recall Motorolamaniac has some for sale :)
ERIC6913 said:
Motorolamaniac supplied me with the broken dome pieces smashed by UPS and I siliconed them back in place with very good results.
If your LAPD Aero is in the same shape, I'd say the main challenge will be the domes. And if they are beyond repairs, I recall Motorolamaniac has some for sale :)

Those pieces came from me originally :)
You need 2 safety bits. Both hollow stars. The smaller one is to unscrew the dome. The bigger one is to unscrew the alley light assy. Mine is stuck tight, though.

Small size bit code: T 25H

Big size bit code: T 35H

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