Does anyone know if it is possible to take a double and single dashmiser housing to make it a triple? If this is possible, what would I use to connect the 2 together? Thanks to anyone for any advice given.
Not without it looking like a glued joint as far as I can see. Look for an old triple or a Traffic director to cut down. Then it won't look like a hack job.
I attached two singles to a dual once to make a quad. I used tiny re-bar looking pieces of metal I found at home depot to connect them where the screws would have been. That was back in my high school days... prior to elb. It worked well on my rear deck though. Eventually I dismantled the thing and sold each light seperately. Couldn't even tell they were connected at one point.
But yeah... if you can find a triple head I'd go that route first.
Thanks for the info guys. I put a post in the wanted section for one, hopefully my luck will play out. If not, I guess I'll be "pinning" it together, which the endcaps should hold it with no problem (I hope).