Twinsonic 12F from Craigslist


May 21, 2010
Carver, Mass.
Hey folks,

I just got back from Ryans wedding in Ohio, and there waiting for me at work was the 12F Twinsonic that was posted here on the Craigslist section.

I am told by the firefighter that sold it to me, that it was on his chiefs car.

I also got a Morgans Point, Tx. fire dept. t-shirt with the light... Bonus!!

It is dusty inside, but looks to be in very nice shape under all that dust. It works flawlessly.

Here are some cameraphone pic's, because my girlfriend still has yet to buy me a new camera. C'mon Kim.

First of all, Thanks UPS for taking care of one of the red lenses for me. :?



I know that this baby is gonna clean up real nice, and will look great with my two NOS blue lenses.




Oh yeah, and here's a shot of Ryan, and me (left), and then his ass being dragged away by marriage!!


Glad you got that bar and man that sucks on those lenses. They looked to be in nice shape.

Great wedding pix BTW, wished I was there.

Can't wait to see the finished pix with the new domes on her.
Can't UPS handle anything right? Geez, that sucks. But, I agree with your idea with some NOS blue lenses on that 12F. That'll stand out nicely :cool:.
UPS handled it correctly, they broke something, didn't they? If they don't break it, then they didn't handle it at all.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ! That's true from what I've seen here about UPS and lightbars.
I almost drove down to go get that lightbar, but did not feel like driving 6 hours round trip and then having to go to work for 10 hours. Sorry to see that it was damages by UPS, but at least the inside and still good.
First of all, Thanks UPS for taking care of one of the red lenses for me. :?

thanks ups :x
hey, it will look awesome with the 2 NOS blues he got from phil, I just need to save the others!!!
Was the bar packed sufficiently and was it insured? If so, get UPS to pay for the damage. It will be like pulling teeth, but you gotta be persistent, as they will probably throw the old "it wasn't packed properly" excuse at you right off the bat. Show them the box and packing and take the complaint up the seniority ladder if it fails at the lower levels.

BTW, Ryan, what's up with that necktie fashion statement? I haven't seen one worn outside the collar before! Hey, congrats, and good luck on your new adventure.

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