Twinsonic CTS (Amber) that I just got for $50.00/ Pic's & Video

guy m.

Senior Member
May 23, 2010
Honesdale, PA 18431
It's a CTS with a weird set up, Everything works except one bulb and it has (1) 12-F flasher on the passenger side.

Its also one of the only Twinsonic's that I ever got with 15 feet of cable.

I got for a whole $50.00



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Weird.... half 12F and half CTS with the front stead light set to flash.... I'd love to know how that came to be. What do the end caps say?
Quote Originally Posted by JohnMarcson View Post

Weird.... half 12F and half CTS with the front stead light set to flash.... I'd love to know how that came to be. What do the end caps say?

One endcap says CTS and the other just 12, weird huh.
I have seen plenty of home brew twinsonic's out there. Let me know what color wires are in the cable. and if the domes and or bar are for sale.
Hi Ryan, I believe the wires are Red,Black,Yellow,Green and 2 Brown if I remember correct, the lightbar is out in my lightbar shed right now and its too darn cold out there to go and look, LoL!!!

I am going to keep the lightbar and possibly change out the Domes to the correct CTS dome and a passenger side Red but until I can do that I will leave it set up as it is.
That made me kinda curious, has any 12F had the front lights set to steady-burn and used in California? Or would the steady-red with those lights not be bright enough for the 1000-foot visibility requirement?

Somebody's gotta get a 12F, put the front lights on steady-burn, and put the normal red/blue CTS domes on it... (Front: red rotator w/mirror, red steady-burn, blue rotator w/mirror, blue steady-burn - Rear: red rotator, amber flasher, blue flasher, blue rotator)
nerdly_dood said:
That made me kinda curious, has any 12F had the front lights set to steady-burn and used in California? Or would the steady-red with those lights not be bright enough for the 1000-foot visibility requirement?

Somebody's gotta get a 12F, put the front lights on steady-burn, and put the normal red/blue CTS domes on it... (Front: red rotator w/mirror, red steady-burn, blue rotator w/mirror, blue steady-burn - Rear: red rotator, amber flasher, blue flasher, blue rotator)

How would you make the rear flasher? The 12F uses one bulb for front and rear flashers. The steady burn front light would cause a steady burn rear. Also, I have seen 12F flasher lenses melt when used as flashers. If you steady burned the bulb you'd most likely melt the flasher lens.
JohnMarcson said:
How would you make the rear flasher? The 12F uses one bulb for front and rear flashers. The steady burn front light would cause a steady burn rear. Also, I have seen 12F flasher lenses melt when used as flashers. If you steady burned the bulb you'd most likely melt the flasher lens.

Welp, guess that ain't gonna work...
nerdly_dood said:
Welp, guess that ain't gonna work...

Sorry, hadn't pissed on anyone's parade recently..... :satan:
It's worth more than $50 in parts! It is weird, but if it started life as a CTS, then it should be pretty easy to fix the passenger side mirror set up. I'd like to see more photos, in the video it looks like the mirror is cut to fit over the motor, but that would mean the motor is in the wrong position. Very strange.
ark_firefighter said:
50 bucks ? Lucky bastard !!!

Took the words right out of my mouth!
stansdds said:
It's worth more than $50 in parts! It is weird, but if it started life as a CTS, then it should be pretty easy to fix the passenger side mirror set up. I'd like to see more photos, in the video it looks like the mirror is cut to fit over the motor, but that would mean the motor is in the wrong position. Very strange.

Yes, the motor is in backwards, very weird but it works and yes the mirror is wrapped around the mirror.

I will add pictures of the inside when I get around to doing the clean up.
guy m. said:
Yes, the motor is in backwards, very weird but it works and yes the mirror is wrapped around the mirror.
I will add pictures of the inside when I get around to doing the clean up.
Then I'm thinking than might not have started life as a CTS. Someone might have obtained a bunch of parts and put together their own version of a CTS.
stansdds said:
Then I'm thinking than might not have started life as a CTS. Someone might have obtained a bunch of parts and put together their own version of a CTS.

Well I figure that it either started in as a CTS or a 12F but either way I really like it because its different.
You should set the front light back to steady and throw a real CTS dome on it.

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