Two sirens, one speaker?


New Member
Dec 9, 2010
Helsinki, Finland
I have thought of hooking two 100W sirens to one 100W speaker (both output leads connected together to the speaker). The speaker would probably be blown if the sirens are used simultaneously, but might the other siren get damaged when the other one is in use?
Not if you place diodes inline from both sirens. Just make sure they are mounted in the right direction, and you'll be fine (as long as you use only one siren at a time).
Newberry13 said:
Not if you place diodes inline from both sirens. Just make sure they are mounted in the right direction, and you'll be fine (as long as you use only one siren at a time).

Where would you put the diodes to ensure correct direction??
firemedic105 said:
Where would you put the diodes to ensure correct direction??

You would put blocking diodes on all speaker wires so there is zero back feeding to either of the units. All power would go to the speaker and die there...
I would have to get a couple then.I am interested in doing this for mine.
You could run a dpdt switch and wire one side to one siren and the other to 2nd siren and the commons would go to the speaker.
why would you want to run two sirens on one speaker when your only using one at a time ? doesn't make much sense to me .
I see the OP's point. If you want variety, you have it without have to take up space with an extra siren. It makes sense to me though.
I have three sirens that use four speakers on my new Tahoe. 2 are for the EQ2B, which are mounted on the Setina bumper/push guard, 1 for the SS2000, and 1 for the GE original Powercall, both behind the grill. All of them are Dynamax 100's. Don't know what type of vehicle you drive but the more speakers connected gives you a better chance if one goes oos.

firemedic105 said:
I see the OP's point. If you want variety, you have it without have to take up space with an extra siren. It makes sense to me though.
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Newberry13 said:
Not if you place diodes inline from both sirens. Just make sure they are mounted in the right direction, and you'll be fine (as long as you use only one siren at a time).

You cannot install any diode in an AC system. Audio circuits require alternating current along the wire. Either get a second speaker or use a switch/relay.

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