Vintage Whelen Lightbar

Is it strobe or halogen? That will help determine the model number.

80H and 90H = Halogen

8000 = Strobe
Now, if the rotators are shaped like little cheerleader megaphones, you have an 80H.

If they have a hole in them (dual sided) and the reflector rotates around a stationary bulb, you have a 90H.
It reminds me of two International trucks my local FD used to have. One was a pumper and the other was a Snorkel unit, and in the late 1970s or early 1980s the pumper got a Sireno Condor light bar and the Snorkel got two Dominion Auto flat top four beam rotary beacons.
Yeah, the warning lights are wrong for that year apparatus. The siren is ok, but the primary light should be something like a Federal Beacon Ray (any version would do), Rear warning lights on apparatus of that era were pretty basic, usually something like the Federal BR-2 or LL-4.
Those Whelen lightbars were introduced in the late 70s....way too new for that truck. Like the others said, put a beacon on it if you want it to be era correct, especially for a restoration!
So... trade the whelen bat and beacons for some old federal stuff....... I can help. lol
Yes, I was at my firehouse and it is indeed a Whelen 90H. (All i had to do was look at the label :lol: ) But we didn't install those lights, while it was with my company (Valley Forge VFC) we had a single beacon on it, we sold it to another fire Co. (Tresckow FD) and they were the ones who installed the 90H, when they placed it out of service, they offered to give it back to us, and since it was our oldest fire engine we accepted it back. I dont think that the 90H looks good on it either. And that siren has always been there. It is a 1958 International.
Roto-Ray on the bumper, a "Light from Mars" on the hood and a siren/light combo on the roof or a Beacon Ray Hill Light.
Got any more pictures? That pumper has a lot of potential.

If I was a member there, I'd start to clean and polish a few areas like the chrome on the front bumper and maybe the bumper as well. Steel wool or even 800 grit wet sanding paper will take the rust off that chrome but it will leave the pits.
I can try and get more ppl, there is alot more important things going on in my FD right new gear..trying to get a new station, but if we do establish a team...i will definitely be a part of it...and will try to get more pics.
That's a very cool truck, an old Beacon Ray would look right at home up on top. Our Dept. had a

late 50's or early 60's International 190 that had a candycane red/blue/red/blue Aerodynic on it. The truck got sold earlier this year(missed going to the auction, friggin truck sold for $400 and it still ran and pumped im still kicking myself) but I asked for the bar when the truck got stripped and I got it anyway.
I also agree, that is rather cool

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