WAC bluePRINT Demo- Interceptor Sedan

That's an awesome demo of the capabilities!

I think the key these programs is minimizing the amt of work that the LEO has to do...since most officers are not whackers or light aficionados, unless most of the features are programmed to activate automatically (like the lightbar side deactivating with the door open, rear lightbar acting as brake light), the program's full capabilities won't be utilized to their full potential. I think SOS has a winner here, but they definitely need to get more vids out there
Their system is really nice, they have done 3 of our patrol units with this system.Sadly the officers driving them will not use any of the cool features.

That's an awesome demo of the capabilities!

I think the key these programs is minimizing the amt of work that the LEO has to do...since most officers are not whackers or light aficionados, unless most of the features are programmed to activate automatically (like the lightbar side deactivating with the door open, rear lightbar acting as brake light), the program's full capabilities won't be utilized to their full potential. I think SOS has a winner here, but they definitely need to get more vids out there
I think you guys are right about most LEOs not truly understanding the capabilities of the controllers today. Having the functions happen seamlessly or without the officers having to do it is probably the best route for a fleet. Officers are busy, but at the same time 10 minutes of training time can teach the officer what a horn ring is or explaining the functions of the new steering wheels that can have a lot of functions integrated into them instead of having to mess with the control head during a pursuit or a call where you don't need to be taking eyes off the road. I have the hardest time trying to teach my coworkers that the different slide positions actually do different things. 
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I think SoundOff has a winner on their hands here. Seems like it offers a lot of the functionality of CanTrol without the cost or complexity. I agree with a lot of these features being activated automatically. One big thing that I think would be beneficial is have the patterns slow down and the flashing white light cut when the vehicle is placed in park. 
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I love the strobing light of the "Emergency Mode" as a means to disorient suspects. But good luck giving commands over the screech.
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We are the only ones who have been able to install bluePRINT the past year or so, but the product was just released about 3 months ago. SOS is still in the process of marketing and making this a well known product. So hopefully the good word spreads. Another nice thing (especially once this system really takes off) is that installation of the system becomes much quicker and easier. Also, any repairs, programming, and trouble shooting become a lot easier as well. The system is also very customizable to fit your needs.

Let's say you wanted to change some of the flash patterns on your system. You could plug a device into a USB port, and a certified bluePRINT technician could connect to your system remotely to make any changes or identify any issues.

Sometime in the near future (I think) SOS will be offering a package deal where you can buy the bluePRINT system which will include the software, any required hardware, and a wire harness. The wire harness will be built here at our shop.

I imagine it will take a while to spread the word and get up-fitters trained on the system. But I imagine in the next year or so this product will be readily available anywhere. In the meantime you can be on the lookout for it, or inquire to have us build you a vehicle with the system!
I think SoundOff has a winner on their hands here. Seems like it offers a lot of the functionality of CanTrol without the cost or complexity. I agree with a lot of these features being activated automatically. One big thing that I think would be beneficial is have the patterns slow down and the flashing white light cut when the vehicle is placed in park. 
The nice thing about this system is how customizable it is.. So if you wanted to have the patterns slow down and cut the white in park, you could probably do that.
I love the strobing light of the "Emergency Mode" as a means to disorient suspects. But good luck giving commands over the screech.
Is that what emergency mode is for? I was starting to wonder. It wasn't making any sense to me while I watched the video.
Is that what emergency mode is for? I was starting to wonder. It wasn't making any sense to me while I watched the video.
Given the scenario they had and the abundance of white light I assumed so. We use strobing light to clear buildings so seemed logical as a means to minimize the ability of a suspect to see you and sight you in on a hot stop.
Given the scenario they had and the abundance of white light I assumed so. We use strobing light to clear buildings so seemed logical as a means to minimize the ability of a suspect to see you and sight you in on a hot stop.
makes sense that's actually a very ingenious idea for them to come up with! This really seems like a promising system.
makes sense that's actually a very ingenious idea for them to come up with! This really seems like a promising system.

Given the scenario they had and the abundance of white light I assumed so. We use strobing light to clear buildings so seemed logical as a means to minimize the ability of a suspect to see you and sight you in on a hot stop.

Is that what emergency mode is for? I was starting to wonder. It wasn't making any sense to me while I watched the video.
Yes that is what the emergency mode is for. The video doesn't do it justice. the sirens are so loud and piercing that it is hard not to cover your ears. We have done several tests and demos of the emergency mode, and everyone agrees that the strobes make it nearly impossible to see an officer get out of the car and walk around to the other side of the vehicle. We are also working on ways to integrate it into an officers radio so they can activate it from outside of the car. Other departments have even asked if we could set it up to immediately alert dispatch that the emergency button has been activated.
Yes that is what the emergency mode is for. The video doesn't do it justice. the sirens are so loud and piercing that it is hard not to cover your ears. We have done several tests and demos of the emergency mode, and everyone agrees that the strobes make it nearly impossible to see an officer get out of the car and walk around to the other side of the vehicle. We are also working on ways to integrate it into an officers radio so they can activate it from outside of the car. Other departments have even asked if we could set it up to immediately alert dispatch that the emergency button has been activated.

This all is an amazing idea! Officer safety first and foremost. The idea of the emergency button alerting dispatch I believe will be a great addition to this already promising system. I know many of our cruisers have an "officer down button" that airs a premade message with location over the radio.

I can't wait to see this system hit the market. Now will this system only be able to work with soundoff lights or will it work with many brands?
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This all is an amazing idea! Officer safety first and foremost. The idea of the emergency button alerting dispatch I believe will be a great addition to this already promising system. I know many of our cruisers have an "officer down button" that airs a premade message with location over the radio.

I can't wait to see this system hit the market. Now will this system only be able to work with soundoff lights or will it work with many brands?
It will work with many light brands!
I guess what I Am wanting to know is the cost of the actual system in comparison to a cantrol.
It will be cheaper than cantrol.  While it may seem like blueprint is just a better version of cantrol, they are both very different.

Cantrol is basically a light and siren controller. bluePRINT is an entire car controller. blueprint controls everything... Power distribution, radios, lights, sirens, etc... Also, one of the nice bluePRINT features is it controls the power distribution and makes sure that your battery doesn't die.
Cantrol is basically a light and siren controller. bluePRINT is an entire car controller. blueprint controls everything... Power distribution, radios, lights, sirens, etc... Also, one of the nice bluePRINT features is it controls the power distribution and makes sure that your battery doesn't die.
I'm very excited about this product, and I'll be at a SOS demo tomorrow to see if this system will meet our needs. We currently have CanTrol and it is not just a light and siren controller. It, like bluePRINT, is complete vehicle integration. Ours is completely tied into the patrol vehicle, powering everything from dashcam, radar, radios, etc.. With the help of CanTrol, the car radio is shut off and broadcasts the police radio over the car speakers while only in slide switch 3. Hitting your brakes while running lights and sirens changes patterns and siren to phaser with Howler for 3 seconds. Hitting brakes without anything on has the tail light vertexs "flicker brake".

There's a K9 vehicle now being installed and the CanTrol is integrated into everything from the AC, windows, and pop door.

I'm sure this is can all be done with bluePRINT too and is why I'm excited. I'm no fan of CanTrol due to its cost and complexity (cars go back and forth for weeks to the installers to work out bugs); I'm just pointing out the system is much more then an expensive light and siren controller.
I'm very excited about this product, and I'll be at a SOS demo tomorrow to see if this system will meet our needs. We currently have CanTrol and it is not just a light and siren controller. It, like bluePRINT, is complete vehicle integration. Ours is completely tied into the patrol vehicle, powering everything from dashcam, radar, radios, etc.. With the help of CanTrol, the car radio is shut off and broadcasts the police radio over the car speakers while only in slide switch 3. Hitting your brakes while running lights and sirens changes patterns and siren to phaser with Howler for 3 seconds. Hitting brakes without anything on has the tail light vertexs "flicker brake".

There's a K9 vehicle now being installed and the CanTrol is integrated into everything from the AC, windows, and pop door.

I'm sure this is can all be done with bluePRINT too and is why I'm excited. I'm no fan of CanTrol due to its cost and complexity (cars go back and forth for weeks to the installers to work out bugs); I'm just pointing out the system is much more then an expensive light and siren controller.
I guess I have never personally used or been around Cantrol enough. Just from what I have been told, that was my understanding.

Yeah blueprint can be integrated into everything including the AC, Windows, pop door, etc... bluePRINT is actually pretty awesome on K9 units. And It definitely beats cantrol in price, simplicity, and the ability to completely customize your car.
I'm finding this confusing. We do installs with cantrol and fed sig lights everyday
Not FedSig lightbars you don't...


...Or do you?
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Cost wise, the Blueprint is a lot less than a Cantrol and not much more than a Cencom.  Roughly speaking, the Blueprint is 75% of the cost of an equivalent Cantrol setup.

It is also very difficult to explain how much simpler the install is with their remote nodes and data cable.  My installer quoted me a price that was 60% of our old install based on how much less work is involved.  Besides the reduced labor charges, we won't be buying 100's of feet of wire to run from one end of the vehicle to the other.

The biggest problem I see is that SoundOff doesn't have the network of certified dealers and installers in place yet.

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