What is with Twinsonics and Aerodynics?


Mar 26, 2011
P.E.I. Canada
Howdy folks,

I have an odd question. Being fairly new to this site, and dealing with mostly new lighting equipment, I was wondering, why are people so horny over twin-sonics and aerodynics?

I will admit, as I said, I am not a collector or the like, but out of all the antique and vintage lights out there, people seem to go ape shit over those 2 models. Is there any particular reason?

Just an honest question I had after being on this site for a month or 2 and making some observations..

Thanks for any opinions!
And a very valid question as well. My #2 favorite bar is the Aerodynic independant rotator version because everything is so easy to access and work on. The lenses slide back hindering nothing. I had a Twinsonic but sold it and may get another eventually.
Totally agree.... they draw a ton of amps, there basically a blinking railroad tie and they are so outdated it's pathetic....







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ryan said:
Totally agree.... they draw a ton of amps, there basically a blinking railroad tie and they are so outdated it's pathetic....

............... :dielaugh: ...... :crazy: ............ :bonk: !!!! :rolleyes:

reminds me .... there's one on sale!! on eLightbar Ryan!!

p.s. dude ... I really need to come over and check your place out!!
Effing show off! LMAO!!!!!
Yeah, I'm crying... because I've never even HEARD of a lightbar being "RAPE"ed before. LMAO!! Seriously, they are the original "full size" bars and they are truly American made.
I find this a fair question.

I own 2 twinsonics and a parts twin. The only reason I bought the first 1 is simply becasue the twinsonic was the first traditional light bar, being domed and fully enclosed. It was the first vintage bar I bought, so it follows history so to speak. The other one and its part bar were purchased becasue a friend needed the money. I dont get into having all the different flavors, but if one pops up for a deal, I would get it. I do like the areodynic though. Getting one is my next bar quest. And yes, any light bar offered for free to me goes home with me.
Good question. I hate both of 'em!
pimp said:
good question. I hate both of 'em!

horsepowerphoto said:
Howdy folks,

I have an odd question. Being fairly new to this site, and dealing with mostly new lighting equipment, I was wondering, why are people so horny over twin-sonics and aerodynics?

I will admit, as I said, I am not a collector or the like, but out of all the antique and vintage lights out there, people seem to go ape shit over those 2 models. Is there any particular reason?

Just an honest question I had after being on this site for a month or 2 and making some observations..

Thanks for any opinions!
Just like fat girls......some people like them too.
No idea why..., but every time I see an LAPD Aerodynic I think back to the OJ chase on CNN.

But now looking at this pic, maybe it was mostly Edges and Visions on TV that day?

Of course the COPS theme featured an Aero back in the early days which probably helped make it an icon too...

I've always had mixed feelings about the twinsonics, but I am a huge fan of the aerodynics. The aerodynic and the streethawk have always been my favorite bars, and when I get more room to have a collection of a few bars, those two will definitely be the first in the collection... For now its just a few beacons and a mini bar haha...
CHiPs always makes me think twinsonic. TJ Hooker for the areodynic. Force 4 LP and In the heat of the night.
What got me hooked on the 'Twin was my dad's 1986 Ford CVPI that was his squad car in the late 80s and early 90s. Of all things it was equipped with a 12X (as well as a Galls HLF, PA20A Interceptor siren, a pair of Unity chrome lollypops on the back deck, and a sparkling new Federal Signal Firebeam w/ UltraFlash mirror on the dash) which sits in my basement as I type, awaiting finishing on it's partial resto.

AeroDynics never were a big deal to me as I was more into the modern lightbars such as my favorite, the MX7000. When I was ten I could name every lightbar that Galls and Ray O'Herron, INC had listed in their catalogs.
I cut my teeth on the Aerodynic!

ALL of out fire engines and rescue had them when I joined in 1990...the Chief's had them...a bunch of firement too...

I dove ambulances for YEARS equipped with both...
I've never been much into lights, but for as long as I can remember I thought that the Aerodynic was one of the coolest "police" lights I'd ever seen (not the all light version, I've always liked the model with the center speaker). Even today, deep down I have a secret desire to get a pristine Aerodynic and mount it on my '08 Impreaza (someone here recently scored a NIB 20 year old Blue Aerodynic, that would be what I would want).

It sounds silly, but I used to catch a TV show as a kid called Square One, and they had a detective segment called Mathnet. The premise was that these LAPD detectives use math to solve crimes, and their police backup drove around early 80's copcars with R/B Aerodynics. I think that is what got me hooked on them.
crash_over-ride said:
It sounds silly, but I used to catch a TV show as a kid called Square One, and they had a detective segment called Mathnet. The premise was that these LAPD detectives use math to solve crimes, and their police backup drove around early 80's copcars with R/B Aerodynics. I think that is what got me hooked on them.

This is the second forum I'm on in a week that has brought up Square One. Odd. (and ditto - used to watch that show just for Mathnet)
The only Twins I own now is an all red CTS, largely due to the Squad 51 days and watching that as a little kid(Now a big kid), and 2 12's in red. I Bought the 12's mainly because of the price I was able to buy them at.

The CTS 1:


The 12's:


I even used a 12X as my first full lightbar when I first started in Fire/EMS( I wish I would have kept it now).

I always thought the Aero's were a cool bar, and even though they are still produced, the sync'd models are not and the sync'd ones were my favorite. That's why I now have 1 full bar and 1 Mini, both sync'd versions in my collection now.

The 22H:


The 24MEAH:


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Sorry guys the first true lightbar is the Federal Model 11 or Visabar. My faverite bar. LOL Joke joking I dont want to start anything
Support Services said:

Sorry guys the first true lightbar is the Federal Model 11 or Visabar. My faverite bar. LOL Joke joking I dont want to start anything

YA, well where is it's mirrors. Hahahahahahahahah oh, it is so on now brotha. lol
If you happen to get your ass out of the city, Mark, you'll still see Twins, Aeros, and SD's on fire trucks in some of the smaller, older depts around the Island. I have 3 Twins, 2 Aeros and 1 SD in my collection. If you decide to start collecting, we'll talk.

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Somebody say something about history? Believe it or not, there were once warning lights with no mirrors. Here's the story of the man who started it and then changed it.









The TwinSonic has always held a special place for me because it was so effective in its era and the first fully enclosed lightbar. In the early 1970's they were the neatest thing and such a departure from the single beacon or even the Twin Beacon Ray. They made a visual impact on me that has never faded.

Sadly, I have only one model 12, but it's a beauty and if I had the money and space, well... I'd have to join Ryan at the next TSA (TwinSonic's Anonymous) meeting.
I got hooked on lights as a kid. I was watching old cop movies and almost every time, you'd see an AeroDynic in them. Remember Police Academy, Terminator 1 & 2, just to name a few...

I don't have the bite (yet) for Twinsonics as much as some of you out there, probably because Code 3 and Dominion Automotive were the big things in Quebec in the early 80's. I WANTED the cops to get AeroDynics bars back then. I knew nothing about AeroDynic's ultra-weak side-warning. The only thing that mattered was: "They look sooooo cool! Why don't you just get these damn bars!" ;) Well, they didn't. In 30 years, I saw 1 candy-cane AeroDynic 24EAH on a firetruck last year. That's all.

The AeroDynic is probably, imho, the most emblematic lightbar of the 80's, just as the TwinSonic is the one of the 70's.

-Why TwinSonics and AeroDynics are such a big thing?

-Same as why the Ford Mustangs, Corvette Sting-Rays, Dodge Chargers, as well as crappy car like the Pintos don't seem to die in the collective imagination (at least for blinkies geeks like us): they marked their era.

And they look sooo nice :D
Well for me, it wasn't as colorful as some of you...

My first light bar was the Twinsonic 12X. I bought an old police car project and the bar came with the car. It wasn't correct for what I was doing but I decided to keep it, restore it and put it up on my wall.

I need to find the time and finish sanding and polishing the lenses for that bar...

The biggest thing I like about the Twin is the chain drive, something about it intrigues me...

Over time, I've learned the history of the Twinsonic thanks to Ryan and his great website. If you need to know anything about the Twin, just ask Ryan or go to his site... You will get your answer.

I have another Twin that I need to start the restoration on. It will be a CTS version. Part of me wants to use all red lenses and the other part of me wants to use Blue and Red... I hate decisions like this :undecided:

My next bar, that I plan to purchase, is going to be the AeroTwin again because I like the chain drive.

I do have a "newer" Aero that is gear driven but to me, it's not the same...

I am working on restoring a Twin Beacon Ray but that is going to take some time as I need to locate several parts.
Shadow-D said:
I have another Twin that I need to start the restoration on. It will be a CTS version. Part of me wants to use all red lenses and the other part of me wants to use Blue and Red... I hate decisions like this :undecided:

Yeah, I know what you mean: having "the classic one" or a more special one....

As far as AeroTwin vs. AeroDynic gear driven goes, I'd say I like them equally. More versatility with the gear driven models, but the AeroTwins look somewhat more vintage a old-fashioned.

I have 4 Aerodynics as of now and probably a 5th one soon.

-3 AeroTwins (24R, 25RWL and 24RMVF-2Z -NYPD)

-1 AeroDynic gear-driven (24EAH. New one to come will be gear-driven, another model 25)
i first noticed as a child in emergency series a twinsonic CTS red california steadry burning light,and i was

always wondering why is just burnin red when all rotators in the bar rotate,hehe,lol :)

guys i wached the series just for CTS bar! :) i was freak already back then.

but when i first lookd a couple of times Aerodynic bar with Cal.takedowns hehe,i was in love from that

day in aerodynic bars with Cal. setups.... :)

i am the same aerodynic freak today. lol

just for a little fun....


toon80 said:
Yeah, I know what you mean: having "the classic one" or a more special one....

As far as AeroTwin vs. AeroDynic gear driven goes, I'd say I like them equally. More versatility with the gear driven models, but the AeroTwins look somewhat more vintage a old-fashioned.

I have 4 Aerodynics as of now and probably a 5th one soon.

-3 AeroTwins (24R, 25RWL and 24RMVF-2Z -NYPD)

-1 AeroDynic gear-driven (24EAH. New one to come will be gear-driven, another model 25)
OK, I'll bite. What the hell is that in the center of the bar on the top of the speaker cover??
PC Comms said:
OK, I'll bite. What the hell is that in the center of the bar on the top of the speaker cover??
Identification light. It was a clear-white light that allowed for quick ID of paramedic units at night.
I got to agree what stan said...my dad was a hartford cop in the 70`s his 76 lemans had a 12x twin sonic with red domes..that bar was so ahead of its time..it started it all with those mirrors..I started lovin that bar then..I had so many rides in that patrol car with my dad...so many found memories with that cruiser and that bar:)
Mustang, why you going through and reviving all these old threads??

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