What is your favorite watch?


Aug 31, 2010
What is your favorite watch that you all like to wear while on duty? What are the pro's and con's to what you have.

Spill your guts!
EMS10EMT said:
What is your favorite watch that you all like to wear while on duty? What are the pro's and con's to what you have.

Spill your guts!

Timex Ironman, it is durable and has both analog and digital time on it.
Anything from walmart in the $10 section! LOL
My go-to watch is the Fortis Flieger 24H PVD (Automatic).

I work constantly changing hours and days, and was habitually writing the incorrect time on reports or documents... switching to a 24hour watch solved all my problems. (No question as to whether it's 0500 or 1700 when I glanced at my watch to copy the time down.)

Not to mention it just makes waaaaay more sense.

Second hand goes around once a minute.

Minute hand goes around once an hour.

Hour hand goes around once a day.

Seems like a no-brainer if you ask me!

Plus it's a great conversation piece.

(The Fortis is on the left... my "old" Lum-Tec is on the right.)

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I always wore a iron man watch for years but i finaly got a great watch the G shock series....Which reminds me of a funny story last christmas my wife had got me the g shock watch and she decided to put the watch in about five different boxes wrapped in duct tape and the funny part was she took my damn knife away and told me to open it.which took me about 25 mins to open it just thought you guys would get a kick out of it...
I prefer the Victorinox Chronograph Classic. Stainless band, black face. Simple and elegant, but it has a date and chrono function.
MATT3045 said:
Timex Ironman, it is durable and has both analog and digital time on it.

mine doesnt have analog but this is what i use. I bought one back in 98 before i left to go to the ARMY it survive basic, lasted that career and 5 years in a security environment. The only thing i didnt like was the bands dry rotted about every 6 months. I went through the original battery and another in those 10 years. the casing finally broke on it so it will no longer hold a band.

guess what?

it got replaced with a newer ironman. Ive had it for goin on 3 years, 2 bands so i bought one of the nylon/ leather strap bands and havent had to replace it yet.

Fast LT1 said:
Anything from walmart in the $10 section! LOL

is about what my watches cost.

there are a few "proffesional" watches id like to buy if money ever allowed. I'd like to get one with that tritium gas that last 25 years
My Favorite is my Marathon TSAR. Great watch and built like a tank.


I am not promoting county.com or referring them, just the first link I came to ;)

Make sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and watch the brief video of a TSAR being run over by a Fire Engine and surviving intact. Not many watches will withstand that.

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None. I hate wearing watches. I've got a nice watch for a present, it's been in my wifes jewelry box for years.

The only reason I have a cheapo one around at work is if I get a DUI for the One Leg Stand test to count the 30 seconds. In the summer, I wear it. In the winter, with the turtleneck and long sleeves, and gloves, I can't stand it all bunched up and keep it in my pocket. I NEVER wear one when not at work. Therefore, I'm with Fast LT1, whatever's cheapest when the one I have takes a dump, which isn't very often due to lack of use.
Lt.214 said:
My Favorite is my Marathon TSAR. Great watch and built like a tank.


I am not promoting county.com or referring them, just the first link I came to ;)

Make sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and watch the brief video of a TSAR being run over by a Fire Engine and surviving intact. Not many watches will withstand that.


I love CountyComm!

I don't wear a watch, it always seems to interfere with my long sleeve uniform shift cuffs and gloves.
Zack said:
My go-to watch is the Fortis Flieger 24H PVD (Automatic).

I work constantly changing hours and days, and was habitually writing the incorrect time on reports or documents... switching to a 24hour watch solved all my problems. (No question as to whether it's 0500 or 1700 when I glanced at my watch to copy the time down.)

Not to mention it just makes waaaaay more sense.

Second hand goes around once a minute.

Minute hand goes around once an hour.

Hour hand goes around once a day.

Seems like a no-brainer if you ask me!

Plus it's a great conversation piece.

(The Fortis is on the left... my "old" Lum-Tec is on the right.)


You spent $2,000 on that watch?!?!?!?!!?

I don't wear a watch. In my line of work, just like sunglasses, its bound to break, and soon. I keep my cell in my pocket, and usually use that for time checks.
ParkPiggy said:
I don't wear a watch. In my line of work, just like sunglasses, its bound to break, and soon. I keep my cell in my pocket, and usually use that for time checks.

Hopefully not too much of a thread hijack, but I used to buy the 10 dollar shades cuz I lost them/broke them all the time. I bought a pair of polarized Oakley's on discount about 2 1/2 years ago and they're still intact and not lost!
ParkPiggy said:
I don't wear a watch. In my line of work, just like sunglasses, its bound to break, and soon. I keep my cell in my pocket, and usually use that for time checks.
Oh, I thought you were gonna say the squirrels and chipmunks gang up on you guys and then take them.
I find that when you buy expensive ones yo pay a lot more attention to them, cause you now they're expensive!
if a WATCH costs as much as a used car....

Jarred J. said:
if a WATCH costs as much as a used car....


If a watch costs more than a meal, it ain't worth it.
MATT3045 said:
Oh, I thought you were gonna say the squirrels and chipmunks gang up on you guys and then take them.

Matt Matt Matt, I could spend hours, explaining all the gang signs these squirrels use-its a whole language!
patrol530 said:
5.11, has a compass for those foot chases.
I have an internal compass which works about 98% of the time, and its free! I had an FTO years ago, who constantly would quiz me. She would ask, "what direction are we heading, how would you call your location out if you became involved in a shooting right now, whats the nearest intersection, etc, etc". Since then, I've done the same training other new officers, and do it constantly in my head.
ParkPiggy said:
Matt Matt Matt, I could spend hours, explaining all the gang signs these squirrels use-its a whole language!
Uh oh, are we gonna have to stay out of Sand Run, squirrels getting bad there?
What'd you pay?


But I got lucky.

They normally go for around $1k - $1200

(This watch was my grail for the past few years, so I couldn't say no to it when it came around.)
ParkPiggy said:
I have an internal compass which works about 98% of the time, and its free! .

Sun rises in east settles in the west. if the sun is on your left your going north and right your going south. same applies to the moon, if your falling the brightest star in the sky your going north as well. and thats my compass.
I like my pretty in pink edition hello kitty watch with actual cubic zirconia.
Got a Tag Heuer a few Christmas back after I got out of college. Kind of a tradition in my family since my dad got one when he graduated UGA years ago. He wore it the entire time he was in the Border Patrol and finally bought a Rolex when he got a branch chief job at FLETC. He still has the Tag in a box, though.

I was planning on getting something cheaper like a Timex or something from Wal-mart for when I'm at work, but I love my Tag too much and it's well made. A year and a half policing and there's not a mark on it
Casio WaveCeptor. I need to break out the manual if I want to do anything other than using the stop watch. Its built like a tank, solar powered, and automatic synchronization. When it goes to time piece heaven, I will not buy a new one.
I'm gonna be a total smartass and say one that ticks (and doesnt go BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

but in all seriousness, I like any that has the backlight and waterproof, GF has one that has 3 different colors thats pretty neat when you check to see what time it is.
rick h. said:
anything that works . usually a 10.00 dollar from Wal-Mart

If you go all the way to the bottom shelf, they have the $7.95 ones there!!!! They have the second hand if I'm working EMS, and they are pretty indestructible at the PD or EMS.... I usually get 1-2 years out of one before it breaks!

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