whelen/auston strobe


Premium Member
May 21, 2010
Greater Waterbury CT
I remember years ago a guy at my fire house had an whelen/auston strobe light on his dash the size of the cadet. I wasn't able to find any pictures to see if there were still around does anyone have one anymore I am curious



Whelen stopped using the Austin name, but continued to make that light in 2 power levels, 1002 and 1010. I think those were the numbers. Those were replaced by the more recent 1502 and 1510. I saw one of the old style on Ebay a short time ago.

I remember the strobe you're talking about. I think the base was the same size and the lens was made different for better dispersion from the strobe bulb.
i know what he was talking about it had a snap on dome and was like a 10watt light they were fork lift lights
WPD8908 said:

One of the best double strobe dash/deck units ever made, especially when you opened it up and turned the pot to speed the pattern up.
Except that's not the type he was talking about...

He's talking about a strobe version of this:

Those strobes were very weak and the joule rating on the strobe flash was very low. They also made a Responder minibar with two of those strobes and a V mirror in it about 15 years ago. Lots of postal carriers and mall type security vehicles used them.
Galls is still selling the strobe mini bar version of the Responder. Been a long time since I've seen one in person, so can't remember they're output.
CFD409 said:
heres mine

Thats the one I was thinking about.

I remember the mini bar that was mode with two of those and the v-mirror, not very bright, especially with how the lens was fluted.

I don't recall most of the Austin brand being very bright at all...

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