Whelen LFL Patriot Lights Install?


New Member
Aug 21, 2010

I recently just purchased a whelen patriot bar and am planning to add more lights so i purchased a bunch of strobes and halogens to install. well i took my bar apart and ran into some difficulty, the lights i have to install are whelen 500 series and whelen 52 linear lights which i was told would fit and work with my bar. I have plugs for them that will fit other plugs not in use on the bar however i dont know how to make them flash or light up at all. the plugs they are plugged into run back to my power supplys A & B box's and then from there run to the center I.O. card, is there something im missing or doing wrong? I can take pictures if needed, im at a dead end i cant seem to figure it out lol. any help is VERY much appreciated! thanks so much in advance.
Does the bar have enough power supplies to run the amount of strobes you want? Those supplies only run four strobes so if it was only built as a four strobe bar there wouldn't be a second power supply from the factory.
TapouT57 said:

I recently just purchased a whelen patriot bar and am planning to add more lights so i purchased a bunch of strobes and halogens to install. well i took my bar apart and ran into some difficulty, the lights i have to install are whelen 500 series and whelen 52 linear lights which i was told would fit and work with my bar. I have plugs for them that will fit other plugs not in use on the bar however i dont know how to make them flash or light up at all. the plugs they are plugged into run back to my power supplys A & B box's and then from there run to the center I.O. card, is there something im missing or doing wrong? I can take pictures if needed, im at a dead end i cant seem to figure it out lol. any help is VERY much appreciated! thanks so much in advance.

Wow, my tech in New Orleans called me with the exact same questions about a customer. Are you in or around the New Orleans/Jefferson area?
to: andy

The bar has two power supplies labeled as "A" and "B" one on each end, is that enough to run them? and i want to fill the bar completely with lights i have enough to do so now, thanks for your reply by the way

to: cajunblitz

lol nope im in New Hampshire and this is the first time ive asked the question but that is definitely weird. thanks for your reply as well
sorry to get off topic... but I saw a truck over my way with a TapouT decal on it.. What is TapouT? Where in NH are you? I'm right near the border and have an LFL 8 strobe with halo's in it if you need a hand let me know, I'm in the Central part of the Twin States!
Grotonems5 said:
sorry to get off topic... but I saw a truck over my way with a TapouT decal on it.. What is TapouT? Where in NH are you? I'm right near the border and have an LFL 8 strobe with halo's in it if you need a hand let me know, I'm in the Central part of the Twin States!

Oh no problem, TapouT is an MMA cage fighting equipment company, its seen on a lot of UFC fights and stuff of that category. basically like a nike but in the fighting aspect of sports hence the word tap out as in submit. also im in Exeter,NH how about yourself? I travel to MA everyday for work and could absolutely use a hand or even information if possible, thanks a ton!
Exeter, you are down south! I'm in Groton, VT. Well let's start out with this... how many strobes/LED's/halos do you have in your bar now? The way I understand it you can only run 4 strobes off of each power supply. So without some modification 8 strobes is all you can have in these bars unless they make some 6 outlet power packs for these, which would be awesome. I have 8 strobes, flashing takedowns/alleys in mine and room for 6 LED's.

I'm in Danvers, MA if you need a hand with anything or trying to figure it out. I deal a bit with these bars as we have them here in town.

Grotonems5 said:
Exeter, you are down south! I'm in Groton, VT. Well let's start out with this... how many strobes/LED's/halos do you have in your bar now? The way I understand it you can only run 4 strobes off of each power supply. So without some modification 8 strobes is all you can have in these bars unless they make some 6 outlet power packs for these, which would be awesome. I have 8 strobes, flashing takedowns/alleys in mine and room for 6 LED's.

I have 4 strobes but theyre all corners, 2 front 2 rear.. I have 4 LED's as well, 2 front 2 rear, and i have I believe 4 halos, 2 front as takedowns and 1 left alley and 1 right alley. I have 2 power supplies so i should beable to make this work, my problem is my lights im installing are 3 plug and the exsiting are two plug but there is 3 plugs as well tucked away inside the bar.im pretty new to this so im not sure if what im describing is correct 100% but i can post pictures too if that will help, i may do that tomorrow.

Thanks so much for your help by the way
BlueLineEnt said:
I'm in Danvers, MA if you need a hand with anything or trying to figure it out. I deal a bit with these bars as we have them here in town.


ive been working out of middleton and andover,MA lately so any help would be very much appreciated.

Next time your down this way give me a shout and if you can stop by the shop after work we'll take a look and hookup whatever we can.

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