your suggestions for cleaning twinsonic mirrors?


Junior Member
May 24, 2010
Gulfport, MS
any suggestions for cleaning up twinsonic mirrors? they look pretty good, just wondering how to shine em up a bit more but without scratching them. Sometimes left up to my own ideas disaster occurs.
I use meguiars products, they have an awesome metal polish. Comes in a small tan plastic jar. Unfortunately it is discontinued but can still be found on eBay and some auto supply stores.

I use it for almost everything, even cleans and shines painted surfaces.
I bought a pot of Maguire's mag and aluminum polish.

Mostly for speaker grill polishing... Will it safely work on polished aluminum mirrors too?

I guess so but I'd like some input from someone before making a possible mess...
I would think any aluminum and mag wheel polish would work well. Back when I had my hot rod Torino, I would polish the aluminum wheels with Mother's aluminum and mag wheel polish and ended up with a mirror shine. Worked great on the cast aluminum valve covers too!
What exactally are these Twinsonic mirrors made of anyways ? They look like a polished stainless steel grade to me but the metal seems so thin.
They are aluminum with an *alzac coating on them. Corrected. teehee

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