2007 Ford Explorer Sport Trac


Lifetime VIP Donor
May 20, 2010
rintoul said:
thanks for the clarification yes your right it was in the rear window but also upfront and was using siren so i dont know what thats about.

Provide me with more details. How do you know it was CSIS? Where did you see this? What type of vehicle?

CSIS does not run "hot" or "code" at all.. so I still am seriously claiming shenanigans.

Also sidenote- answer your PM's I sent you earlier today. Unrelated to this thread.


May 21, 2010
BC, Canada
unlisted said:

I was waiting for this vehicle to show up here.

Just so everyone is clear I can CONFIRM the following:

CSIS Does NOT, I SAY AGAIN, CSIS DOES NOT RUN GREEN. (don't ask me how I know, no, I do not work for them, but I DO know)

Where I THINK the OP MAY be getting confused is.. Let me guess.. you saw a "VIP" or other "dark vehicle" escort with a single small green light to the rear, either flashing, or steady on, in and/or around the third brake light... am I right?

If so, thats RCMP. And its not used as a warning light, its one of their convoy lights when they are in convoy formation. Sometimes they "accidentally" get left on, even when no other warning lights are flashing.

VFF CANNOT run any other colors than green. Toss white into the mix, and you are pushing it. Do I use white? Sure, however VERY rarely will I use it. (side markers) Don't believe me? I can put you in touch with some good friends in the OPP.

The only "VFF" vehicles which can run more than green is DEPT OWNED fire apparatus.. So, if the fire dept issues a suv/car/truck to its officers/chief, they can run red/white/green as they see fit, along with sirens. Quite a number of smaller VFF depts will actually have a green light tossed onto their larger apparatus as well, just to signify the whole "VFF" status.

And before anyone calls me out on it, YES, I DO have RED- to the rear (taillight flasher)- however the ONLY time its used is when my vehicle is FIRMLY in PARK, and only if traffic conditions warrant it. (ie: Stopped at an accident on the side of a busy highway, etc) I never EVER have my vehicle in motion with red on. I also have green to the rear, and I have been to enough random accidents over the past 5 years and only asked once why.. Scene safety and the officer was fine with it. (he also made sure I had nothing red to the front)

Only people in Ontario who can legally run green is Volunteer Fire Fighters (who are signed off by their chief or dept signing authority), Halotazah on official calls, and Fleet owned vehicles of St. John Ambulance. (This is as per the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario)

Don't believe me? Look at my "occupation".

Thanks for confirming what I've suspected. None of the CSIS guys out here use green that I've ever seen. I too believe you probably saw a protective detail car. Green light comes on when the driver is on the gas, goes out when they are coasting, brakes come on when they are braking.


Mar 27, 2012
Indiana, USA
Like the overall install, however, those whites on the top are blinding. Aaaannd I don't really get the point of them. I LOVE white, but with white, less is more and that seems like it would cause an accident in route.

Great job though.


Feb 5, 2013
burlington/kelowna CAN
JPolston said:
Like the overall install, however, those whites on the top are blinding. Aaaannd I don't really get the point of them. I LOVE white, but with white, less is more and that seems like it would cause an accident in route.

Great job though.

Oh no thoses light are strickly for offroading I was just boartd on day and put them on a flasher


Lifetime VIP Donor
May 20, 2010
rintoul said:
i am in the fd and i am a sales partner for them whelen

Hey rintoul,

Do us all a favor and yourself - REMOVE the EMT part under your "Name" - I can guarantee you are not EMT certified. I'd also recommend the Fire Fighter part as well, due to the fact you are only a volunteer. The latter is your choice.
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Jul 12, 2010
Waukesha WI USA
unlisted said:
Hey rintoul,

Do us all a favor and yourself - REMOVE the EMT part under your "Name" - I can guarantee you are not EMT certified. I'd also recommend the Fire Fighter part as well, due to the fact you are only a volunteer.

I may be reading this wrong, but being just ona vol FD, that does not make you a firefighter? I saw the OP had a video on youtube and he states he is a ff.


Lifetime VIP Donor
May 20, 2010
Eric1249 said:
I may be reading this wrong, but being just ona vol FD, that does not make you a firefighter? I saw the OP had a video on youtube and he states he is a ff.

He is a VFF- not a career firefighter. Big difference over here, including union, pay, benefits, perks, etc.


Jul 12, 2010
Waukesha WI USA
unlisted said:
He is a VFF- not a career firefighter. Big difference over here, including union, pay, benefits, perks, etc.

I am a paid on call ff. I don't get all the perks of full time. We have the same training and we do the same job.


Feb 5, 2013
burlington/kelowna CAN
Eric1249 said:
I am a paid on call ff. I don't get all the perks of full time. We have the same training and we do the same job.

i will run into the same burning building as you, i will administer a higher level of medical care than you, i will crawl out of my bed at home and leave my family behind. and put wear and tear on my personal vehicle, i have the same if not higher training than you. and i will lay my live down for a complete stranger if thats is whats called apon me and i do it for no pay as far as i am concerned i am more of a firefighter than you will ever be


May 21, 2010
BC, Canada
rintoul said:
"Got_ygurt" you are completly right like I stated before it is illegal under the highway traffic act to those types of devices but is states nothing about haveing them in a vehicle.

Actually it does... the wording is "(15) In addition to the lighting requirements in this Part, a vehicle described in subsection (15.1) may carry lamps that cast a red light only or such other colour of light that may, with the approval of the ministry, be designated by a by-law of the municipality in which the vehicle is operated, but no other motor vehicle shall carry any lamp that casts a red light to the front. 1998, c. 35, s. 103."

If your vehicle carries a lamp that is capable of casting red light to the front, you will be in violation of the act. So unless you're setting up your vehicle so that all the red lighting is removed before you leave private property, be prepared for enforcement if you're caught.

I'm sure when you're under 20 and haven't had any contact with the law its easy to interpret legislation in a manner that is favorable to how you want to set up your truck, but in court it will pan out much differently. The law is clear cut, and if you truly "hope to be a police officer" you should think very carefully about willfully breaking the law, especially when you consider that there may now be police officers aware of what you are planning.

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Feb 5, 2013
burlington/kelowna CAN
got_ygurt said:
Actually it does... the wording is "(15) In addition to the lighting requirements in this Part, a vehicle described in subsection (15.1) may carry lamps that cast a red light only or such other colour of light that may, with the approval of the ministry, be designated by a by-law of the municipality in which the vehicle is operated, but no other motor vehicle shall carry any lamp that casts a red light to the front. 1998, c. 35, s. 103."

If your vehicle carries a lamp that is capable of casting red light to the front, you will be in violation of the act. So unless you're setting up your vehicle so that all the red lighting is removed before you leave private property, be prepared for enforcement if you're caught.

I'm sure when you're under 20 and haven't had any contact with the law its easy to interpret legislation in a manner that is favorable to how you want to set up your truck, but in court it will pan out much differently. The law is clear cut, and if you truly "hope to be a police officer" you should think very carefully about willfully breaking the law, especially when you consider that there may now be police officers aware of what you are planning.

i would appreciate it if you removed that pic thanks


Apr 21, 2011
There is surely a lot going on here.... I would be very careful with having red/white lights in personal vehicle the last thing you want is to get charged with impersonating or something under the TSA. Green with CSIS.....I have never heard of that at all.

Stay safe


Jul 3, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Eric1249 said:
I am a paid on call ff. I don't get all the perks of full time. We have the same training and we do the same job.

I have to support this one. I'm not fond of the part-time/volly's that feel self entitled or better than everyone else, but I'm a part-timer, and fire burns just as hot for me as it would for a full timer. Fire doesn't know the difference, our job is the same.


Feb 5, 2013
burlington/kelowna CAN
NERT11 said:
I have to support this one. I'm not fond of the part-time/volly's that feel self entitled or better than everyone else, but I'm a part-timer, and fire burns just as hot for me as it would for a full timer. Fire doesn't know the difference, our job is the same.

thanks for the reply i agree we have our issues with pay and union but we are all trying to achieve a certain goal and thats to protect people and the proerties


Jul 18, 2010
Cartersville, GA
Ill agree dont attack us Vollies, i charge headlong into the same calls as the paid guys do, the only difference is im not on a union an i go to the station from home, not doing a 24-36 hr shift. However just cause were volunteers doesnt mean we give a higher level of medical care to a patient than a paid department guy, it just mean most the time as a volunteer we are on scene first starting triage and providing aid until the FD and EMS get there. As for all your lights its a nice set up however i agree with everyone else you really need to check deeper into your laws before you do alot. I had a light bar on my truck however i couldnt run it because i didnt have a siren installed, the only exception was i could use my lights for scene safety and marking the scene. Once i installed my siren i was allowed to run lights and siren. In conclusion i wont say we are all the same however our job description is the same protect life and property. we all put our lives on the line, we all leave behind family, and we all get some sort of pay from it regardless of whether its salary or fuel reimbursement.

Also some more food for thought jus cuz you know some people dont always mean your gonna get out of trouble. my step dads a law enforcement officer and i have my fair share of friends in the highway patrol, county Sheriff dept and PD but jus becuase i know them dont mean its goin to keep me out of trouble, it means they are going to hold you to a higher standard and expect you to be in the right.

I dont know much about dealers but i do know that demo vehicles cruise around the states on a constant basis but they are marked "Whelen Demo Vehicle" or labeled as a demo vehicle brand for what ever product they are demoing and most have some sort of paperwork that ive noticed. so if your demoing, even in private sector, im sure youd get exemption paperwork. but like i said im not sure what its all about im jus pointing out my observations. Feel free to educate me on this part, im always interested in learning new things.


Feb 5, 2013
burlington/kelowna CAN
mfpd465 said:
Ill agree dont attack us Vollies, i charge headlong into the same calls as the paid guys do, the only difference is im not on a union an i go to the station from home, not doing a 24-36 hr shift. However just cause were volunteers doesnt mean we give a higher level of medical care to a patient than a paid department guy, it just mean most the time as a volunteer we are on scene first starting triage and providing aid until the FD and EMS get there. As for all your lights its a nice set up however i agree with everyone else you really need to check deeper into your laws before you do alot. I had a light bar on my truck however i couldnt run it because i didnt have a siren installed, the only exception was i could use my lights for scene safety and marking the scene. Once i installed my siren i was allowed to run lights and siren. In conclusion i wont say we are all the same however our job description is the same protect life and property. we all put our lives on the line, we all leave behind family, and we all get some sort of pay from it regardless of whether its salary or fuel reimbursement.

Also some more food for thought jus cuz you know some people dont always mean your gonna get out of trouble. my step dads a law enforcement officer and i have my fair share of friends in the highway patrol, county Sheriff dept and PD but jus becuase i know them dont mean its goin to keep me out of trouble, it means they are going to hold you to a higher standard and expect you to be in the right.

I dont know much about dealers but i do know that demo vehicles cruise around the states on a constant basis but they are marked "Whelen Demo Vehicle" or labeled as a demo vehicle brand for what ever product they are demoing and most have some sort of paperwork that ive noticed. so if your demoing, even in private sector, im sure youd get exemption paperwork. but like i said im not sure what its all about im jus pointing out my observations. Feel free to educate me on this part, im always interested in learning new things.

they reason i said that is that halton region which i work out of has the highest survival rate for medical emegencys in north america which is caused by us being help to a hight standard of medial care. my setup is for my business i sell lights i only use amber and green going to a fire call. good point on the demo vehicle paperwork i will look into that


Jul 18, 2010
Cartersville, GA
jus cuz they say it dont quite mean its a higher quality, jus means you guys are doin your job efficiently. My old department use to be among the top ten in the state of Missouri, ranking with KCFD and STLFD, dont mean we were better than the rest jus means we did our job efficiently. an kudos if your well ranked like that jus remember its not higher quality its jus job efficiency. an as for the paperwork stuff like i said id look into it, i dont know anything about it i jus not that most the time when i see a demo vehicle they are all labeled demo so id check with Whelen if your a rep with them cuz they should be able to point you in the right direction.


Jul 12, 2010
Waukesha WI USA
rintoul said:
i will run into the same burning building as you, i will administer a higher level of medical care than you, i will crawl out of my bed at home and leave my family behind. and put wear and tear on my personal vehicle, i have the same if not higher training than you. and i will lay my live down for a complete stranger if thats is whats called apon me and i do it for no pay as far as i am concerned i am more of a firefighter than you will ever be

I am a paid on call ff. I have been doing it for 19 years. Looking at your pic I been doing it most of your life. And to say you have more training then me?

I hate when vol. or paid on call ff are put down just because they are not full time. We do the same job.


Jul 18, 2010
Cartersville, GA
its mind blowing how things are said, we can all razz each other cuz its in our nature jus the same as ill razz the Army Reserve, National Guard, or the other branches but in the end we all fight for the same mission. I hate the Full time guys or other Volunteers/ On call guys that think their better than everyone else because they have the nicest equipment or whatever. ive been in the game bout 9 years now, started as a freshman in high school as a fire cadet/volunteer an you know i still look up to the guys that have been at it longer than me why cuz im willing to learn and the guys that have been at it 10+ years have lots of knowledge, i look up to them the same as a cherry private would look at me since ive been deployed before. My Assistant chief use to say if you think you know it all its time to quit because you are dangerous to the department. An as many of us will notice most all of our departments have the town/township/city/county name but after it they all say Fire Department or EMS.


Jul 3, 2012
Ontario, Canada
rintoul said:
ho so i have already changes to split color i enjoy them dont see and harmfull effects. i have 2 cencoms because of all the functions i have. canadian laws are as follows:

vff can run red white green and amber to the back and sides of vehciles. we can only run green and amber to the front.

blue is reserved for snowplows

red blue is for police

redwhite is for fire

and amber is allowed for all

green is only allowed for vff and CSIS. CSIS is our verson of FBI/CIA

I'm very curious about this. Can you please refer me to this portion of the Highway traffic act? I'd like to read it for myself. Thanks!


Jul 3, 2012
Ontario, Canada
rintoul said:
thanks for the clarification yes your right it was in the rear window but also upfront and was using siren so i dont know what thats about. VFF can also run amber if they choose. and the next closest fire dept does use green in there official trucks like there tanker i personally think its a good idea helps publicizes the green light meaning. i am with you i only use my red/white and amber in the rear when i am parked on or off to the side of the road just for rear protection. i also know a lot of opp personal and they tell me that "LEGALLY" you cant run red to the back or white in the front or back but if used for just rear protection and used responsible they wont bug you. thanks again

Disregard, I realized that you answered your own statement

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