Another what brighter question 911EP LS12 or Microman


New Member
May 23, 2010
Maury, NC
Hey guys and gals,

Looking at getting new you see I have a post in the for sale post.....trying to figure out what light I need in the headliner....looking for something to go on the passeneger I do not have that much flashback on driver side...

So here it is

What is brighter

911 EP LS12 or MicroMan 12" all red

Love opinions
I have no personal experience with Micro-man lighting. But from what I have seen people really like them. I personally would go with something that has more off axis warning like an Avenger, Viper S2 etc...
This is a little old, but my buddy just got a Microman bar and I installed it for him today. It is VERY bright, we are both very happy with the product, especially for the price. He has a Slimlighter on the dash, and the Microman was equally as bright, if not brighter than the Slimlighter. Given the fact that he got a 24" or 28" bar, the light overall is substantially brighter than the Slimlighter... and a whole lot cheaper. I didn't have time to take a video before he had to start his shift, but I feel confident telling you that the Microman is a very bright light. Time will tell how durable it is, but I have never heard complaints from anyone about these lights. This light is being used as front warning on a marked police car in a busy area.
I know I'm not a very well versed member yet, but I would personally stay away from the 911ep. If something goes wrong with it you had better hope it's under warranty. If it's not there is no way to fix these things. They are completely enveloped in epoxy. I had a 36" bar die on me a couple of weeks ago and there is nothing to do with it but throw it away. Their customer service wasn't very sympathetic. They said something as simple as bump in the road can render their units useless. Not a very high quality product in my book, especially for the price. Just my 2 cents anyone feel free to disagree.
In my opinion, "which is brighter" is the wrong question. The one to ask is "what is bright enough for my needs".

We've gotten to a point where lighting is actually too bright in some situations.
I have to agree with the "Too Bright" comment. My department just took delivery of a new 100' rear mount tower ladder its a ferrara and its sweet but the older night I went to grab a 24' ladder and I as instatnly blinded by the 8 TIR6 located about the ladder bin . These light head are right at eye level and are just overkill the truck is way above and beyond NFPA probably has 12 to 15 grand in lights

Ill work in pictures
If you are interested shoot me a pm and we can talk pricing on a light for your headliner ;)

Heres a blue 41" bar with a pair of takedowns in it. I don't bother with night time videos because the camera cant handle it :D

Lights are made with rebel LEDs, the same exact LEDs used in the whelen avengers. I also offer a lense with 40 degrees off axis in either direction. Obviously integrated take-downs are an option. I actually just switched from the black "Lens holder" (that black ring around the lens itself) to a clear one which allows slightly more off axis light to escape. (and is a little sharper looking aesthetics wise)






That bar was made for myself, so here it is in the car (note those brackets are custom made and are not standard with the product)

*The first picture is a video, click on it to play)





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