You owe me a new keyboard. :lol: When I read that I laughed so hard I spit my coffee all over my desk. That was funny as hell!
Back on topic. It is sad that there is such a large need for these typ of units. Ten years ago I rarely ever had bariatric calls, but now it's atleast once a week. That is a nice setup you have there. The setup where I used to work had a bari stretcher, a wich rated at 2000 lbs mounted under the jump seat, and a pair of tracks (like you would use to get a four wheeler in the bed of a truck) in the spine board compartment.
On another note. I agrees that we do need to work on getting America healtier (AKA lighter!). I believe economics has a large part to do with. If you go to the grocery store what's going to be more affordable, a weeks supply of fresh fruits and veggies or a weeks supply of snack cakes?! We need to eat smarter, but we also need to be able to afford to. We also need to get rid of "play station @ss" :lol: by exercising. I'll admit, I'm not small by any stretchof the imagination. I'm 6'5" and in the 250 range. I'm a big dude! But I exercise, and I don't keep much junk food in the house. I also got rid of soda - yeah, that was hard as hell!