Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest


nice schedule Chief
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Sounds like my day but add jobs and yards in there somewhere.

No elb access at new job yet. Had a great first day
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This is a late Happy Birthday wish for Boulder
Thanks Chief!!!  And that sounds like a dream of a schedule...  lol  

Checking back in for my final 8 of the week...  If the weather cooperates on my days off, I should be able to swap my Fairys in my reverse lights for my Cannon 360s...  I'm thinking I'm going to take the lead from the reverse light socket and run it into the 4200 and have that activate the reverse lights...  That way I can add more reverse lights easier in the (hopefully no too distant) future...  I think I'm just about out of buttons on the 4200 though...  This could be problematic...  lol
Waiting for pay day, going to get t6 b/a and the license plate mount for my new truck
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I agree. Go for it. Depending on who she is and needing a bit more info as to which perversion she is into, I might apply to be a willing victim.
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Wooooowwwwww......... :eyebrowhuh:
One of our Ambulances was involved in a pin in fatal Mva. A driver wasn't paying attention to the road when the Ambulance was driving code and the driver tried to avoid the slowing traffic crossed the center line and the 2 met in the middle.

Everyone in the Ambulance including the pt was transported as a p2 or p3. The pt in the back was flown out by helo though
I'm still waiting to see your post Nic

Me too. I read today that  a Lakeland (Polk County) FL teacher was charged but I don't think she is on ELB. Strange, but I don't recall ever having a 30 yr old female teacher want to have sex with me when I was 17?
well it had been posted here 

but it looks like it got deleted.... 
Me too. I read today that a Lakeland (Polk County) FL teacher was charged but I don't think she is on ELB. Strange, but I don't recall ever having a 30 yr old female teacher want to have sex with me when I was 17?
I used to have a Spanish teacher that I wouldn't have minded one bit if she had tried that with me.

all my teachers were old ladies (or dudes), except an algebra teacher who was way too bitchy to even think about being giggity with.

happy belated birthday Chief!

I should have internet access at the new job when I go back Tuesday but "down time" is sporadic.

I was told the job was going to be bankers hours for all 4 days and then they flipped it on me the day I started.. I have 2 days of 8 - 5 with an hour for lunch. and then 2 days of 6 - 3 which means I have to get up before the chickens do to drive to it. its got great benefits being a state job.

today I am at the other job working 8. im getting paid to be at the other job as well. LOL "paid holidays off" haven't had one of those type jobs in 12 years.

working here tomorrow and sunday as well. if it ever quits raining I have yards to mow. fireworks tomorrow night!
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yard work on my day off

do more work when im off then when i work
I got my truck stuck in my own yard  earlier in the spring... had to call a friend in to get me lol...

just sent out a message "4th of july has been cancelled for our town tomorrow"  so... there went that plan.
Fireworks road trip to Dothan maybe... or the mall. Ugh mall....
I had to call our dad and he pulled me out. After I was removed from the yard, my nephew kept standing in 1 of the 2 ruts had a mad face and kept saying "vroom I'm stuck" because I drive a diesel and made a lot of noise trying to get unstuck, and he's 2
if you owned a Jeep you wouldnt have that problem
Yeah, He wouldn't even make it to the mud if he had a Jeep, especially a fake one like yours! :crackup: :rotfl:

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