Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

hell except for the coffee (which i dont drink) thats everyday in the enlisted DFAC....

*picks up your mike throws it at you*


All of this while living out of the seated driver position of an MLRS rocket launcher for 3 weeks, 5 days of which you're in a chemical environment...... but stocked up on coffee. Trade offs....... and baby wipes are gold.
good freeking morning. holy hell I walk in and all heal broke loose!!
I did this. Except I used a small project box and put 2 switches and a momentary to change patterns.

after my move, (gah!)... This will be a project. Somehow plugging in will activate cruise, and plug toggle will light er up.... Hopefully by xmas it's up and running....
and...... the afternoon is crazier today then the morning like usual, except the morning started off beyond CRAZY!!!
Snowing yet anyone?
nope not yet

was so busy yesterday at the college I didn't have elightbars time... even though I was logged into it lol
I was told there was snow falling here this morning, I wasn't up for it though.
It is hard to tell when it is snowing here. The wind is so strong that when it does snow, the snow never hits the ground. The winds carry it east as it is falling and deposits it in Arkansas.
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When Accuweather said "snow to target Midwest" yesterday, I did double take.  Then saw they were saying OH, PA, NY area.  While we were out certifying SAR dogs this morning there was pretty hard frost all over the field.
First snow of the season hit where I lived in Montana 2-3 weeks ago. But now I'm stuck back down south in Louisiana. I miss Montana. Very disappointed things just didn't work out up there, but hey, it wasn't meant to be. 
keep dreaming then....

my best friend called me up before I left work yesterday.... needed help assembling a mini barn in a box from lowe's. he lives in a famous county down the road from me where "Jack" lives. I grabbed my shotgun , and my new play toy and after we constructed half the mini barn I went and did some shooting.   love the smell of burnt gun powder... 
uhh "if it aint rainin we aint trainin...." and stufff
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day #2 of 3 done. backs killin me, time to sleep

oh and did i win any t6 yet?
back to work at the college for my 4 days here.... tommorow is another road trip to nashvill..

found out a cabela's has set up in huntsville. me and the GF took a road trip down there (50ish miles) and lunch at a place called texas roadhouse. we were going to go to Pizza Inn but it had shut its doors..... :crazy:

bought a holster for my new play toy. looked at som emore ammo for it and the 410 but they didnt have much of a bargain on it.
texas roadhouse sucks, imo

high is toppin in mid-70s today and tomorrow; so much to do, so little time before the cold firms its icy hold on our area
their chicken was good. the steak not so much.... then again anything is good when you havent eaten all day lol

road trip to the performing arts theater tonight with more college kids. this time we are actually supposed to stop at a restaurant BEFORE we get there. so, we'll see how that plays out
Today makes one year since my Dad passed, so I'll share a funny story with y'all....... When I was younger, I was always fascinated by the little blue line produced by an activated taser. Dad gave me one when I was about 10 or 11 to carry..... and I always burned the batteries up by playing with it just staring at that "little blue line". Well, one weekend I was with him at his extra job directing traffic at 610 & Westheimer and I just couldn't resist the temptation any longer. As he was leaned up against the traffic light pole in between cycles, I ever-so-innocently put the taser to his thigh and just let 'er rip. Needless to say, they work well. He screamed and almost fell down, and his partner, Bill Lindsay screamed as well; I couldn't figure out why. As I ran away (as fast as I possibly could while laughing so hard I could barely see) I heard Bill, cussing up a storm. Little did I know, since both of them were leaning up against the same metal pole, Bill felt the effects as well; not as much, but just enough to thoroughly piss him off. From the middle island of Westheimer, as I look up, I realize that the stopped traffic in the eastbound lanes has seen everything, and half the people are horrified, and the other half are doubled over laughing... because some dumb kid has just tased two cops. It was a day I'll never forget. Here's to you Dad.



Monday for me. Birthday and start of vacation on Saturday though. Off for 10.
was my day off; did a number of odd chores including a few install items; now; i am sick

how lovely
Just waiting on 0600, and another work week will be complete...

Day off tomorrow (later today, Thursday) nothing on the agenda that I know of, possible work on some Durango projects...  A little B&B-ing up in Springville on their Brush Truck Friday morning with BJ (triton911bj), running (volly) ambulance Friday night (18-06), casino trip Saturday night...  Sprinkle in a little "game" playing throughout the weekend as well...  

In the immortal words of Ric Flair:  "Stylin' and profilin'!!!  WOOOOO!!!" LoL
trip last night was better than last months....

4 hours of sleep and back to work... have to work an extra hour today to make up for the hour i missed because for some reason we c ant get  paid to go on these trips....
well, back to work today. Was out for two days with a very bad stomach virus...... hoy $h!! ... no pun intended. finally can function somewhat today. missed everyone

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