Carlos SpicyWeiner's STILL Never-Ending Comment Contest

school was closed yesterday so i had a paid day off.... YEA!

man this thread has died.... giveaway time!

Yeah it's time to dig in to the goody basket. Then again Nic has been helping me out big time for the past two weeks so that's reward enough.

Every time you buy from FEVER it's like wining a prize... I'm not sucking up just building a business relationship;)
Yeah... sorry about not being able to ovenright the one order.

As for everyone else.... I'm sure you have seen the new section for FEVER. Guess that means I need to give some crap away?!
If prefer blinkers or a siren instead of crap.....
Well I guess the FEVER/Feniex hats, water bottles, shirts, and coozies are out..
Lol.... Can or bottle coozie. Always take hats
Seeing as I hit the jackpot of a whole dollar on a scratch ticket today.. What are the chances here. I slowly want to make everything in my car feniex brand, but being broke doesn't help either :(
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Seeing as I hit the jackpot of a whole dollar on a scratch ticket today.. What are the chances here. I slowly want to make everything in my car feniex brand, but being broke doesn't help either :(

I had a strict Federal Signal only policy at least as far as my POV goes. I'd still install anything a customer wanted as long as it wasn't a FleeBay or Amazoom knock of pice of junk.

One day an old friend of mine brought in his new car and huge box of Feniex product. By the time I completed the install I was sold on Feniex and highly recommend their product line to all my clients.

I have since switched nearly my entire POV over to Fenix. and haven't looked back.
just comment here then when you order put your post number in the notes at checkout
Had a decent garage fire last night around 11:30pm, occupant was an obvious hoarder, little trails everywhere throughout the house like deer make in the woods, so much shit that you never actually stood on solid floor fire knocked down mostly by first two engines on arrival, occupant wasn't exposed to any smoke or fire so they were under no immediate concern, ambulance got there to evaluate.. The usual "hello mam, glad you made it out okay, we were told you didn't have any exposure but we need to check in on you anyways"... Went downhill from there... Apparently "she" was a cross dressing "he" that didn't like being referred to as a female ¿?¿...

That was a first for me...
Sweet. Thanks Nic. Another order will be forth coming from me soon.
Just wAiting for my birthday money and taxes to come in to place an order.... I don't do pink but my gf might.....
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who doesnt love free stuff??
your package went out today after I realized I couldn't get more pink coozies made this week to send in it. You got a black one.

The free coozie comment thing is done. I'll probably give one out here and there though.
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oh jeez, didnt need to throw one in but thank you Nic
talked to a guy on the VFD here in this county where i work at when i was at the grocery store/restaurant/gas station.

i saw they have "we need volunteers" sign out. i told him i worked at the college and there is a 1 truck hall 1/2 mile from here. he said because i live out of county i may not qualify but hed talk to the chief....

waiting to see what kind of plans the GF has for my BDAY today when i get off work.
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Checking in...

I'd like to get some stuff from Nic when my tax check comes... Sadly, buying a house has all my current and future funds tied up... lol
I could see that possibly being an issue with a 2 mode cannon as they might have done it for 3 mode... should be pretty easy to figure out
I could see that possibly being an issue with a 2 mode cannon as they might have done it for 3 mode... should be pretty easy to figure out

Not that it won't be easy, just a pain in the ass, as what if one harness was correct and another way wrong, I'll have to pull all the wiring to test each individual light and then re-solder everything back together
So I ended up pulling everything and since I'm lazy and only need 2 of the 2 modes I figured out which wires overrid others... Apparently the red trigger wire (originally mode 1, now either mode 2 or 3) now overrides the yellow (originally mode 2, now mode 1)...
to the top of what?

liked deapool so much we went and watched it again last night in town....
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I am trying hard to decide if I need (want) a set of T3s for the front of my Jeep....After seeing a few videos of them and how dark my "mid section" is on my Jeep trying hard to decide.....I have Ions now but they won't fit where I want them like the T3s would......
id recommend them.. ive got a few vids on the tube of amber and green...
Downside is I went and continued my downward spiral in this Ham radio hobby and got myself an upgrade yesterday to General so now lights or radios, radios took my gun money away.....Well that and getting married.....

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