you must balance the force young skywalker... I buy lights, HAM radio stuff and gun stuff (but not guns) and when I don't have the money for stuff my GF helps out... you never get married LOL
The apollos are not external flasher friendlyim wondering if the flasher in the mini jet would push four Apollos...
im thinking red and whites for the sides, alternating...
im currently looking for an amber and white replacement for the front/rear.
Damn Boulder that's a lot of painting!
Checking back in for my work week...
I have to make a correction on my last statement about painting... Its not the painting that I hate... Its the taping off all the trim and shit that I hate... The painting is actually fun... lol
I got the Master Bedroom, Living Room, 2nd bedroom, upstairs bedroom and bathroom done... Next project is the kitchen "refacing"... Sanding and painting the cabinets and re-doing the counter top.
Still waiting on the owners to clean out the upstairs storage room, basement and garage... Just over 2 weeks to go... lol