Check This Out! Mobile Spike

Wow, that does appear to be a nice system! I am sure it will have its flaws, and quirks like everything else. However, it appears to be a much safer, and efficient alternative to having an officer set up in the roadway ahead of a pursuit.
That is some good old-fashioned ingenuity. I am dubious that it would work as well head on as they say, assuming you would want to drive your unit head on at someone who is running. But from the side it looks pretty slick.
That would come in handy for pesky tailgaters. Just move over, let them pass, then BAM :lol:
Is that integrated into that pushbumper or an add on? At the end it looked like it was all one unit.
joe p said:
Is that integrated into that pushbumper or an add on? At the end it looked like it was all one unit.
The ones I saw last year were an add on.. but the pushbumper needed to be modified a bit. I do believe the manufacturer sells a "all in one" now..

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