Chesapeak security trailblazer

Sho- Me Luminator stretchbar,

Nova grille lights, go light

Not a bad setup for a security truck
Chesapeake has deep pockets, and I wouldnt be surpised if there was some red or blue (depending on what Police use where ever it is) in that set up.
we have a few of those running around here. They have a few Tahoes, too. Look real similar to TX DPS.
Thanx cory for the list...i didnt have that much time to actually look at what was all listed, just managed to snap a couple pics while i was climbin up the roof.
HILO said:
I wouldnt be surpised if there was some red or blue (depending on what Police use where ever it is) in that set up.
Never. If this Chesapeake is the city in Virginia, no color other than amber will be permitted on a security vehicle.
wow. thats a lot more lighting than im used to seeing on security. i often just see a dual rotator minibar (except for the Epic Security Ford Explorers in the city w/ the fedsig visions)
Nicer set up than many local pds here in south texas :lol:
These are owned and operated by Chesapeake Energy Corporation ( The operate these vehicles in and around the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and possibly others. They are mainly used to enforce the local regulations imposed by local government on the drilling contractors, and all those who service them. For example, a truck making delivery to a Chesapeake location in Ft Worth may not deliver before 8 AM, after 10 PM, and if that driver brings mud onto local roads, said driver must clean it up or call someone to clean it up. They also help prevent oilfield theft (very big problem lately).

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