Christmas presents. Lets see what you got...


Premium Member
May 20, 2010
Massillon, Ohio
I had seen a beacon ray on ebay a week or so ago, It's te only model I don't have so I told Krista to bid on it for me. She did and in talking with Eric6913 found out it is a fairly rare beacon. He informed he was bidding on it as well. I only had so much in my paypal account so I bid my max. I got a text message at work from Eric saying I was the winning bidder. I couldn't believe it b/c I knew Eric would have had the money to outbid me. I called my wife and she said she bid on it for me as this would be my Christmas present. I was ecstatic.
ryan said:
I had seen a beacon ray on ebay a week or so ago, It's te only model I don't have so I told Krista to bid on it for me. She did and in talking with Eric6913 found out it is a fairly rare beacon. He informed he was bidding on it as well. I only had so much in my paypal account so I bid my max. I got a text message at work from Eric saying I was the winning bidder. I couldn't believe it b/c I knew Eric would have had the money to outbid me. I called my wife and she said she bid on it for me as this would be my Christmas present. I was ecstatic.

I wanted to bid on that, did not have enough $$ though. Good snag!
Didn't get any lights unfortunately :(

I did however get two new class b uniforms, although i'm not sure how she bought them since you have to have an I.D. Also got an HDTV for the bedroom and a blue ray player.
No blinkies here either but got a nice cast iron fire dept marker, laptop, 19" flat panel for the RV, a blue ray player and a new electric razor.
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No Blinkies here...

But I did get an Arkansas Razorback Hoodie ... due to being in Ohio I need it for the 2011 Sugar Bowl, Go Hogs Go !

Got a buck knife, incase of zombie attacks !

A wal-mart gift card, ammount unknown

$100.00 cash, which was in the middle of a puzzle that you had to figure out before it would release the cash. Almost took a hammer to that LOL.

Merry Christmas to you all, stay safe !
Well lets see. My parents know that I am a collector, and they have been asking me vauge questions over the past several months about lights, so I was not sure what I was going to end up with. I was happily surprised!

My dad got me a set of these Dietz Lights from John Morgan. They are in good shape, if anyone has any additional info on these please let me know. I have always been a big Fed Sig guy and am not as familiar with Dietz.

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My mom got me this cool K&D light. It still has the old fabric insulation on the wires. One side red the other blue. If anyone can fill me in on this light I would appreciate it.

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And my gift to myself was this Fed Sig MM1 in blue. Just something neat I have been wanting.

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ark_firefighter said:

Got a buck knife, incase of zombie attacks !

I might be wrong but wouldn't a buck knife be a poor weapon choice in case of zombie attack. Since you have to destroy their brain a buck knife would require close hand to hand combat substantially increasing the chance of being bitten or having your brains eaten.
$200-Gift Cards

New Hess Truck (been collecting them since i was born)

New Job Shirts, with embroidery for the Fire Co. from the GF

Niffty tool kit for working on installations

Blaze Orange Poop Paper (from my sister for hunting lol)

Band of Brothers DVD set(awesome)
I didnt see this thread and replied to a different one but here is my reply,

lots of gift cards...

New Carhart: Jacket, 3 work shirts, 2 pairs of jeans, and a hat

pair of dickies work shorts for summer

This nice, Carhart surprising, wallet...god knows i need a new one. The old's about to fall apart

a hellova lot of clothes

and a 12vf power supply for testing leds inside.

Plus all the little nick nacks aand trinkets and a few other things im probbaly forgetting....

Lets see. No blinkies, darn. Oh well. My wife got me the Ruger LCP. I knew I was getting that one, I had to fill out the ATF form! My sister got me a pocket holster for it, and a laser sight. I also got a $200 total in cash! I NJ Devils leather wallet, a watch cap with the star of life on it, and a Benchmade folding knife in my flavor dujour: half serrated tanto blade. That's all the main stuff, now when the hell is Ford going to drop off that 2011 F-250?!

Hope everyone had a good Christmas!
I got a Mr. Beer homebrewing kit, a new modular motorcycle helmet, a new jobshirt, some clothes, a book about the history of the Wizard of Oz movie and a few other things I'm forgetting. I'm psyched about the Mr. Beer kit. Too bad my next day off is Tuesday.
My Son got me the Federal Director Siren that was listed on here a couple of weeks ago and seen me eyeballing it. He gave me the money to buy it because he is only 15 and is not a member , but still very thoughtful gift
I was supposed to get a shiny new (to me) lightbar for my collection. PayPal'ed some bozo $130 (not a member here), then he disappeared with my cash. Hopefully PayPal can get my money back, but I'm not holding my breath on it.
No blinkies here, but I managed to get $110 cash, as well as a good $50 in a debit card. New Hess truck (also been collecting since I was a youngin'), a couple ties, and a bike chain bracelet. I also bought myself a few whelen strobes and a couple PA300's as an early present to myself a month ago. Very successful christmas in my eyes.

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