Code 3 Mastercom B repairs


New Member
Jul 26, 2016
United Kingdom
This is my first posting and thought this forum would be the best place to start...
I have a Code 3 Mastercom B Model 3892L6 which I have been trying to restore for an estate rangers vehicle. It lights up ok with the exception on the green Led next to the Air Horn button.
I cannot get any sound, I was told it was the mosfets so I replaced them but still no joy.
Its out of warranty and the cost of sending it back to the states would be prohibitive.
I have noticed on the lower siren circuit board that there are two component spaces clear, a Capacitor c34 and a Resistor R27, the capacitor looks never to have been soldered in but there looks to have been a resistor at some time soldered in place in the R27 space but has been neatly cut off.
The siren was acquired second hand and can only think someone has tinkered with it a bit.
Has anyone any knowledge of what value resistor should be there?
Kindest regards
there looks to have been a resistor at some time soldered in place in the R27 space but has been neatly cut off.

Hi, Ben

My Mastercom is exactly the same, missing R27, and it works fine.

No offense, but you are aware that the lighting and siren sections have separate 12V power inputs, right?
Hi MtnMan

Thanks for the message
I guess the resistor and capacitor must be for a special configuration set up.
No offence taken, any help or suggestions are always welcome,
I've been through the manual and have queried the connections with Code 3 and currently have tried it with both the main 12v input on the lower circuit board and the 12v input on the upper board, both together and with the main red pigtail power supply but nothing seems to work except the upper light controller section.
I've looked it over for any shorts or obvious burnt out connections but cannot see any.

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