Completed brush truck video added 6-25-11

Sorry but that dosent look like a 00 chevy i have one and i dosent look like that. like the console though hopefully you will post a video of the build when its done.

Is yours a 1-ton HD? Because the HD series cab/chassis were in this body style all the way up to 2002 or 2003 I believe. I drove an identical truck, a 2002 3500HD 6.5L Turbo Diesel 2wd for a wrecker.
asweezy said:
The mx LED bar are you going to get RX2700 tops for it? Also what LEDs are you going to use? I would use a larger nice GEN3 LED COMBO of TIR and LIN Style with a flasher to sync them all.

I haven't decided yet if I'm going with 2100 domes, if I do I have to buy them at $100 for all three and I can only have front and side warning since I'm keeping the TA. If I keep the regular RCR domes then I can add rear warning. I'm going with microman led's I think I haven't bought any yet. I'm thinking 4 8in bars in red 2front and 2 rear, 2 4in red for side warning, and 1 4in clear front middle. So far thats $232 just for led's and I already have a sho-me flasher. So the cheaper the better.

I have 3 bars total that I'd like to do eventually.
txfire said:
Where did you get the fuse holders and power/negative straps at?? I like those....

I got them from my local battery man.

kadetklapp said:
Wow, any reason you didn't go with a 4x4? I don't think I've ever seen a brush truck that wasn't four wheel drive. I'd be afraid to lose that apparatus without the extra traction!
kadetklapp said:
Is yours a 1-ton HD? Because the HD series cab/chassis were in this body style all the way up to 2002 or 2003 I believe. I drove an identical truck, a 2002 3500HD 6.5L Turbo Diesel 2wd for a wrecker.
Still, I'd rather not be off-road in a heavy truck on possibly slippery surfaces without four-wheel drive. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

But, if that's all you have to work with, then that's all you have.
Need help guys. Do I make the MX bar flat top or put the led's in the upper domes? How would microman look vs pimp pods? If I do pimp pods then it will be all lower, if I went with microman it could be either. As far as how many micro man would be 4 8in and 3 4in, pimp would be 8-12 3 light models?

Help me out guys
Mr911 said:
My opinion (and this is just an opinion) would be to go with a combination of both and flat top it.

+1. i would go with microman extended across the front and rear, and i would have 6-led pimp pods on the 4 corners and 3-led pimp pods on the sides (where alleys would be)
Lookin good, Andrew!

4x4 isnt a must have, we rarely have to use 4 wheel in our brush trucks. Its just nice to have every now and then!
Thanks for the advice guys. I was thinking of keeping the halogen alleys and takedowns ans I forgot to mention that the TA is still gonna be there. So if I do 2100 domes is all lower front, if I keep the regular domes I can do front and rear upper and pods in the lower front.

As far as pimp pods I can get a big order of 3 pods cheaper than 4 or 6's, per pimp himself. On the microman's should I do the 8in sticks in the upper. Together that $400 worth of LED's.
Ummmm...I'm just not sure how those lights would look in the upper domes? I would think that you will have alot of open space there, I'm not convinced that it would look right...again, just my opinion and please keep us posted with what you decide. Remember to keep us updated with pics too!
I was thinking the same thing, it would look odd, only 16in of light in a 48in bar. I think I'll just order some and then play around with them and post pics.
Personally (and this is just me) I hate the look of an MX7000 with 2100 domes on it. An excalibur would look better, but if the MX is all you have, then it's all you have.

I would at least see if you can investigate lifting the truck up some. It shouldn't be very expensive to put bigger springs and/or blocks on it to gain some ground clearance. Fields, roadside ditches, small logs/fence posts, etc will hang that truck up in no time.
Andrew, i started on a MX7000 with 2100 domes. Even used pimp pods. I think i still have some pics if you want to see em.
I got the pimp pods in and they are awesome, it still needs 2 more 3pods in the front to make it full. I used the factory harness to make it work. Still need to do some more playing around with it to make it how I want it.

The truck is painted and the holes are cut for the strobes, and brackets put on the headache rack for the bar.

It will be a couple of days before I get back to station to work on it, we just had our little girl on Saturday morning.
Well forgot the camera today, but got alot of work done. All the strobes are in and the bar is secured to the truck. I'm waiting on the 2100 domes to arrive from priorty1, for the time being I put the regular domes on it so I can sit it outside at night. This truck is bright. Friday I will install the console and wire everything up.
I give you major props because you did a great job. But something that i don't like is the Mx with the 2100. Why didn't you just keep the top domes or just keep the halogen or strobe.
WOW man it came out really nice good job on it. i like the center console too, nice personal touch :cool:
Thanks guys.

Why I didn't keep the rotators is because it pulls to much juice and I didn't like that. I had the bar and then sold the guts and made it led.

We were going to wrap the console in vynl, but it wouldn't lay right without cutting and sewing.

So far the dept has spent $2,700 on truck, $245 on paint by a member, $100 on radio, $250 on bed and $50 on led STT lights. I donated all the lights and wire for emergency

We still need to get tires also. I am very happy at how it turned out and pround to say WE did it.
Oh nice, good too see a JetSol--


...that's no JetSolaris.

...Good job with the MX7000 conversion. If you really want to, you can get a MX7000 new with LEDs as primary warning, you don't have to take out the original lights and put new ones in yourself. (But that'll of course cost you more...)

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