Cool, interesting, odd etc Fire/EMS vehicles -locked due to new section

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awesome. You think you could get some more pics of it.
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I find this ambulance rather... aesthetically pleasing. (It can also be seen [and heard!] in the video below.) If anyone has more pictures or videos of this truck (or other ambulances with odd chassis choices), I'd love to see them.

(I did not create the picture or video contained in this post.)
I love cab-over ambulances. More responsible use of that invaluable real estate called footprint. More back room, less overall length, less weight.
Dissension said:

Sounds like that cab-over still runs with a either a vintage Signal Stat/Scientific Prototypes/Yankee siren. Cool video of the rig running code!
TritonBoulder47 said:
I'd totally rock this as a POV... Where's this truck out of...?
I'd say Manville, NJ originally? Click the image...
TritonBoulder47 said:
Ah, Never clicked the pic... That usually just pops up a bigger pic... Too bad the auction is over... lol
Reserve wasn't met though. He's probably asking too much for what it's worth, but you could always email...

Our old brush truck we converted from an Army surplus Jeep


Rescue that was originally a Ford ambulance


Tanker that was converted from a milk truck


This Mack was the first diesel fire truck in Litchfield County CT
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lafd55 said:
Not car, truck, suv, ambulance, etc but something rather interesting that is really popular out in California... LA County Fire Department's fleet of Sikorsky "Firehawk" helicopters used for SAR and wildland firefighting.

Neat stuff. I did not know that the UH-60 platform had moved to the civilian sector.
Steve0625 said:
Neat stuff. I did not know that the UH-60 platform had moved to the civilian sector.

Not really.... The first UH-60 outfitted with an external tank was an Oregon National Guard Blackhawk leased to LA County for a little while(actually it was painted in the white and yellow scheme, but once returned it was repainted olive drab). They technically still haven't gone civilian yet... LA just has the money to spend on them.
lafd55 said:
They technically still haven't gone civilian yet... LA just has the money to spend on them.
Not true, there is the S-70A Firehawk (firefighting, pictured) S-70C Firehawk (commercial), and the S-92 (commercial medium lift). Got $32 million?
Bonanno said:
Looking on a NJ Firefigthing website found this gem. VERY odd, and unique, BUT looks like it works great for them

This apparatus has a 10-man HME cab, a Marion body, and a 115' SCHWING aerial that has 4 articulating booms. A distinguishing mark this apparatus has is that it is the first apparatus to be manufactured by SCHWING, America for a municipal fire department in the United States. It took 7 years to design this piece of equipment. It was delivered in 1997. This unit will reach out 73 feet horizontally at the third story level (41 feet). Due to its versatility, it will serve equally as well within our residential area by being able to set up on an 8% grade and in cramped conditions, operating with single side stabilization. Here are a few more pictures.

That looks like a damn concrete pumper.
philyumpshus said:
I've seen pictures of at least one FDNY Mack that had roll-off containers. I don't know what it was used for but the truck isn't very old (maybe a 2003?). Pierce had their unit that went in the back of a HD pickup; I think it had wildland, rescue, and other modules. I don't think it ever sold well, though.

Other than the FDNY rig, I haven't seen roll-offs in the US but the tech. rescue guys in Austria use them as well. They have containers for structural collapse, dump bodies, vacuum tanks with pumps, and a box for all the rigging that goes with their 60 ton crane.

Fairfax County, VA and Montgomery County, MD both have roll-off pods.
Travelin Man said:
Fairfax County, VA and Montgomery County, MD both have roll-off pods.

As does Howard County, Maryland - we have a pod for collapse, one for MCI and two (I believe) on the way, along with a second transport unit (to replace our original emergency support vehicle [ESV]).

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FDNY, Chicago, and I think I have seen a California department with one too. Another trend of specialty trucks that came from Europe...
Phillyrube said:
Chesapeake Station 7...did you see the old C95 Mack squeezed into the left bay?

Bet you were ducking out on the expressway toll...heheheheh.

Yeah. I will have to keep my eye out for when it's out and get some pictures of it.

As for the toll I have never payed it. Haha. The day the picture of the pink truck was taking I was heading home from getting BBQ. Haha

theolog said:
Have a happy time on the OBX, did ya? Frisco FD had (has?) a crazy looking pickup with a utility body and ground ladders mounted all over it, and Hatteras village used to have an E-One 4-wheel-drive mid-mount 55-foot ladder/squirt on a International Chassis. I can't find pics of either, but they're definitely worthy of this thread.


They still have it if I'm not mistaking. I swear I've seen them within the last couple
Phoyo credit: The Diesel Page dot com and Don Swanton

f250 ambulance rear.jpg

Kinda neat, it is right hand drive also. Located in Australia.

f250 ambulance front.jpg
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If you have an odd vehicle, simply post it as it's own thread in this section.
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