Custom JetLED. Flasher or no?

Should I add an LED flasher, or leave the heads as they are?

  • Add a flasher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Leave it alone, it looks great!

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Other, Comment below.

    Votes: 22 78.6%

  • Total voters


May 22, 2010
Mobile County, AL
I have just finished half of my custom Jet bar. It has two Whelen 700 series, and 2 Tomar RECT34. The takedowns are wired to flash or steady burn. Right now, all of the lightheads flash independant. Should I leave it as is, or install a flasher to sync the heads?





I say leave it. And cute kid.
looks very good, I would have went with a std. speed rotator tho, that one spins to fast and you miss the flash. jmo
ryan said:
looks very good, I would have went with a std. speed rotator tho, that one spins to fast and you miss the flash. jmo

John suggested a meteor traffic clearer. May have to look into that, but I would rather get the back of the bar finished first.
I really like it! Surprisingly (especially coming from me with being mister anal about things being synced) I like it the way it is and I wouldn't add a flasher. I think a center clear strobe in the middle would make the bar rock even more. Can't wait to see what you do with the rear. Are you just going to make it warning or are you going to try to incorporate TA capabilities? Also if you do a clear strobe to the front, you should do an amber to the rear. Keep us posted on your progress.
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I think it would look awesome with a 400 series white led in the front middle and set to a slow flash that would be great! jmo though
Leave it alone, it looks great. I will have to second the meteor light in place of the high speed rotator.

Absolutely marvelous. Don't add a different flasher, this unsync'd version looks great. Might wanna blue filter to the center rotator or swap for a strobe.
really like it, I think you should put a blue filter on the center . Whats the plans for the back?
I like it how it is. Then nice thing about the rotator is, if you have a need for it, you can put an amber filter in the back and only use the rotator if need. I did that with my Jet that I converted to led, so if I'm following the tractor or hauling a wagon, I can have just the amber to the rear, yet, it is ok to run code with the other colors. Kind of nice if your somewhere you don't want all the attention the blue, red or clear gets you but still need a little something. It gives your bar another function, plus, it gives you that one different color that NFPA seems to think is so great to have to the rear.
As of now, the center rotator has a blue filter to the rear. I really hate clear to the rear. As far as future plans, I would like to convert the rear to LED's also. I'm debating on whether or not to go all LED, or leave 4 strobes, and add two more 700 series (cheaper). I would leave two strobes and two halogen flashers facing rear with the 2 700's and two end strobes. Just depends on how my funds are.
I really like strobe/LED combinations, I say keep the inboard strobes and replace the outboard strobes with 700s.
looks good,but i would swamp out the center rotator to a slower one so you get the full effect
The bar looks awesome, my wife will hate you, you have given me ideas for my jet strobe to upgrade. did you make the brackets for the leds yourself or did you buy those?
Dude that is a really cool lightbar! Awesome job! I agree with the others. Meteor in the middle or at least a slower rotator. I have 2 95FPM Jet rotors available. Pay for shipping and they are yours.

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