DC Police SUV hits Transformers Movie car


May 21, 2010
http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/entertainmen ... -dc-101110

DC Police SUV Hits Bumblebee at Transformer 3 Filming in DC

Updated: Monday, 11 Oct 2010, 4:25 PM EDT

Published : Monday, 11 Oct 2010, 4:07 PM EDT

WASHINGTON - A D.C. Police SUV was involved in a wreck at the filming of Transformers 3 in Washington D.C.

While it appears the movie was filming a car scene, the police SUV collides with a yellow Chevy Camaro, which in the movie series is known as the character Bumblebee.

The police SUV was not supposed to be there and the wreck itself was not supposed to happen.


looks like he was going to an emergency call, to which, traffic control/closed roads don't matter.
rwo978 said:

looks like he was going to an emergency call, to which, traffic control/closed roads don't matter.

Looks like it does in this case. ;)
I laughed when the movie crew came out with the gray tarps to cover the Bumblebee Camaro so they could hide the damage as best as they could. It's too late now, dudes, it's forever on video :lol: !
What I saw was a film crew deliberately altering a crime scene. I don't know how DC does it but in WA State all collisions involving government vehicles get a full blown, pull out the total station type of investigation. If DC is the same way that film crew could probably forget about METRO paying for any damages as they altered the scene. If that officer wasn't injured (i hope not) I am surprised he wasn't out there protecting the scene, but then again with all them cameras maybe it was better he stayed in the vehicle.
Mike L. said:
What I saw was a film crew deliberately altering a crime scene. I don't know how DC does it but in WA State all collisions involving government vehicles get a full blown, pull out the total station type of investigation. If DC is the same way that film crew could probably forget about METRO paying for any damages as they altered the scene. If that officer wasn't injured (i hope not) I am surprised he wasn't out there protecting the scene, but then again with all them cameras maybe it was better he stayed in the vehicle.

Well, with it being on video, and the material already on the pavement, tarping it isn't going to alter much. I also recommend to the troops that if they crack up a car to do a little personal inventory before they bail out; they could be injured or need their neck stabilized or just had an airbag deployed. When the adrenaline wears off, they may not feel so hot when they realize that dull pain is actually excruciating and part of their clavicle is sticking out over their vest.

Did you see the guys come out and move the debris and bag it? Debris can prove a lot during a reconstruction. We had a medic unit running hot and collided with a car in an intersection. The person sued trying to claim the medic unit was traveling faster than they said and that it was in a different lane and therefore impacted at a more severe angle. Because of the measurements of the debris field the person was found to be lying and lost every penny.

Even though it is on camera I doubt there is a chain of custody for that video. Like I said, I don't know how DC does it but in my jurisdiction that would have been a major crime scene with all the evidence documented and cataloged. Of course we would have impounded bumble bee too.

I do hope that the officer and his k-9 were ok.
CrownVic97 said:
I laughed when the movie crew came out with the gray tarps to cover the Bumblebee Camaro so they could hide the damage as best as they could. It's too late now, dudes, it's forever on video :lol: !

Or to keep birds from crapping on it, I don't think these cars are left outside in the elements for very long when not in use :)
Apparently the officer didn't know of the road closing and entered on a hot set. He sustained minor injuries and was released.
What about the officer not driving with due-regard when approaching a controlled intersection? He did not appear to slow down enough to secure the intersection. Regardless of closed streets, there was still moving traffic on the street.
tarheel3559 said:
What about the officer not driving with due-regard when approaching a controlled intersection? He did not appear to slow down enough to secure the intersection. Regardless of closed streets, there was still moving traffic on the street.

Looked like the Camaro was moving to fast for conditions and failed to stay within a safe and established turning lane.
they were filming a movie scene... on a closed road..... traffic rules dont apply
Makes me wonder,... if you look momentarily before the collision, the SUV passed what appeared to be another officer on the set! Not to second guess but I'd figured that he would have stopped either the SUV or the production via radio, something. That's definitely going to be looked at, won't you agree?

And once the movie is made, are they going to put this clip in the "oops" clips at the end? :lol:
it was stated on our news last night that the officers on scene for the filming set "were on a different channel than the officer responding to a call, and they didnt have time to switch over to warn him"
Not sure if this means anything or not.... but when I clicked the link I got this warning from my anti-virus software:


Basically, it is saying the website is trying to find a weakness.
Mike L. said:
What I saw was a film crew deliberately altering a crime scene. I don't know how DC does it but in WA State all collisions involving government vehicles get a full blown, pull out the total station type of investigation. If DC is the same way that film crew could probably forget about METRO paying for any damages as they altered the scene. If that officer wasn't injured (i hope not) I am surprised he wasn't out there protecting the scene, but then again with all them cameras maybe it was better he stayed in the vehicle.

Talk about evidence tampering
"This is OnStar. We've received a signal that you've been in an accident. Do you need us to call for help?"
no i need ironhide!
I've wondered how that truck was powered with 19 forward facing white lights, then 2 more on each side.
I Also Question How Closed Was The Street? How Many People Were Blocking? Guard Rail/Barriers? Why Was He LET THROUGH?

Evan on CLOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE's, Cop's (no offense here) and locals, think they have a RIGHT to drive through and ANY speed they want at ANY time they want ANY where they want because YOU are in THERE WAY.

The Tempe PD had a Motorcycle Cop Die from a crash on a CLOSED Part of the loop 101 from hitting a Rail Road Tie in the road.

http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepubli ... r0929.html

I have been Pulled Over On My Job Site before with 20 questions of ""Why I Am On This Road, and How the heck I Got In {He wanted to know how I got passed the barriers on the freeway ramps, told Him ""I Have Never Left The Freeway Job All Day, from 5am till now, This Is My Job Site. Whats Wrong?""} (best part of this was the cop came in from the main line (open side) freeway around the barriers and was behind the guard rail from me, He hauled A** to get 2mi down the road to the end of the job to get around and get me {I was doing 25mph, real race to get Me}.

Then I have also Yelled (and done the SLOW DOWN pointing) to a motorcycle cop. He Stopped and asked ""Whats wrong?"" told Him to Slow Down and Don't make dust! ($10,000 dollar Fine Min' for us). He told me ""If there is a problem with Him on our job site to go talk to the city, He Has A Right To Be There"" {city cop on a state funded freeway, Right. AZ.DPS is a LOT Nicer and Friendly about watching out for us and helping us}.

I Asked Him what his Number was to turn Him In, Did not get anything from him as He started His bike and took off {I was at the top of a ramp on foot so I was not able to get any other info on Him. Did call it in to the city and PD and informed MY Superiors about it. Never did see another Bike on there till the job was done}.
I Also Question How Closed Was The Street? How Many People Were Blocking? Guard Rail/Barriers? Why Was He LET THROUGH?
Evan on CLOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE's, Cop's (no offense here) and locals, think they have a RIGHT to drive through and ANY speed they want at ANY time they want ANY where they want because YOU are in THERE WAY.

The Tempe PD had a Motorcycle Cop Die from a crash on a CLOSED Part of the loop 101 from hitting a Rail Road Tie in the road.

http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepubli ... r0929.html

I have been Pulled Over On My Job Site before with 20 questions of ""Why I Am On This Road, and How the heck I Got In {He wanted to know how I got passed the barriers on the freeway ramps, told Him ""I Have Never Left The Freeway Job All Day, from 5am till now, This Is My Job Site. Whats Wrong?""} (best part of this was the cop came in from the main line (open side) freeway around the barriers and was behind the guard rail from me, He hauled A** to get 2mi down the road to the end of the job to get around and get me {I was doing 25mph, real race to get Me}.

Then I have also Yelled (and done the SLOW DOWN pointing) to a motorcycle cop. He Stopped and asked ""Whats wrong?"" told Him to Slow Down and Don't make dust! ($10,000 dollar Fine Min' for us). He told me ""If there is a problem with Him on our job site to go talk to the city, He Has A Right To Be There"" {city cop on a state funded freeway, Right. AZ.DPS is a LOT Nicer and Friendly about watching out for us and helping us}.

I Asked Him what his Number was to turn Him In, Did not get anything from him as He started His bike and took off {I was at the top of a ramp on foot so I was not able to get any other info on Him. Did call it in to the city and PD and informed MY Superiors about it. Never did see another Bike on there till the job was done}.

You need some grammer skills and sentence structure.
the 3 trucks, prime, ratchet and ironhide all "ran" the red light, too. Bumblebee was driving too fast for that turn. I would assume and imagine the officer being in 25 years is a pretty decent LEO and I believe any other time he wouldn't just blow through a red light. Real life emergencies are more important than a movie. They can reshoot that scene (with a new camaro of course) but they cannot bring back the lives that couldve been lost due to a bomb. Difficult to put someone at fault but the LEO shouldve been on the primary channel or whatever channel the other LEOs were on so they could be aware of his running hot through the "set".
Klein said:
the 3 trucks, prime, ratchet and ironhide all "ran" the red light, too. Bumblebee was driving too fast for that turn. I would assume and imagine the officer being in 25 years is a pretty decent LEO and I believe any other time he wouldn't just blow through a red light. Real life emergencies are more important than a movie. They can reshoot that scene (with a new camaro of course) but they cannot bring back the lives that couldve been lost due to a bomb. Difficult to put someone at fault but the LEO shouldve been on the primary channel or whatever channel the other LEOs were on so they could be aware of his running hot through the "set".

I absolutely agree, but let's play Devil's advocate here...all it takes is that one time...what would have happened if the camaro got a second and a half in front of the RMP? The RMP would have t-boned the camaro and someone might have gotten fairly hurt.

The problem lies (IMHO) with the fact that all officers should have been communicated to that there was a closed set in that area, possibly filming stunts, and that officers on the site were operating on channel "X". Had that been the case, central could have notified the officers on site there was a hot job that required units to go through closed off areas, effectively halting production until after emergency vehicles passed.

The bottom line; it makes no sense to try and place blame, as long as nobody got seriously injured (except poor Bumblebee), people can learn from this.
I wonder if whoever does the crash report will refer to the cars and trucks by name. "Bumblebee was traveling east on K avenue and in the processing of turning left/north on Third St. to follow Ratchet.........."
I mean the officer was probably thinking those vehicles just blew the intersection. Look you can see theres a red light for the trucks. So i really don't know. Theres no SOP's for this I don't think. lol.
BigDogg795 said:
I absolutely agree, but let's play Devil's advocate here...all it takes is that one time...what would have happened if the camaro got a second and a half in front of the RMP? The RMP would have t-boned the camaro and someone might have gotten fairly hurt.

The problem lies (IMHO) with the fact that all officers should have been communicated to that there was a closed set in that area, possibly filming stunts, and that officers on the site were operating on channel "X". Had that been the case, central could have notified the officers on site there was a hot job that required units to go through closed off areas, effectively halting production until after emergency vehicles passed.

The bottom line; it makes no sense to try and place blame, as long as nobody got seriously injured (except poor Bumblebee), people can learn from this.

Very true statements.
Zach C. said:
Apparently he is a bomb tech responding to a possible bomb.

That kind of thing happens all the time, blocks get routinely closed and reopened since it's just a tourist's lost luggage or something, but IMO it's a perfectly legit reason to run code and close streets.
Quick question: if they cars were moving so fast because they were filming, why were there so many people on both sides of the streets and no film cameras to be seen?
Apparently my sister watched this whole thing happen. She said literally 60 seconds before this happened a medic went through the intersection running code as well with out incident. As soon as the medic cleared the intersection, Optimus prime layed on his air horns and went through the intersection. The K-9 officer must have been a mile or so behind the medic.
I love how everyone only cared about a stupid yellow camaro that can easily be replaced in minutes with the money these producers have. Seems like not 1 person actually gave a shit about the humans involved in the accident. Took quite a while for someone to actually see if the officer was OK, they pretty much tended to the car as first priority.

BTW that plastic POS shattered like a snapple bottle. Talk about front end destruction, looks like the tahoe recently a few scratches. :lol: :lol:
UndercoverVLS said:
I love how everyone only cared about a stupid yellow camaro that can easily be replaced in minutes with the money these producers have. Seems like not 1 person actually gave a shit about the humans involved in the accident. Took quite a while for someone to actually see if the officer was OK, they pretty much tended to the car as first priority.

BTW that plastic POS shattered like a snapple bottle. Talk about front end destruction, looks like the tahoe recently a few scratches. :lol: :lol:

Yeah, noticed BOTH of this things. Reminds me of the time a stupid bitch in a Corolla hit my ambulance, I took off her whole front end, and she gave me three small scratches on the diamond plating of the corner of the box, lol.

My view? Fuck Hollywood, they can just refilm the scene. A good portion of the movie Smokey Bones was filmed in my town. Went to a fire call (the station is a block off Main Street, where it was filming), a rent-a-cop, clad in all black mind you, stepped out in front of me to tell me I couldn't go that way. I glared at him and said, "I'm a firefighter, there's a fire call, my station is right there, I have to park, fuck your movie," and pulled away.

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