Everyone still big on Axixtech lights or no?


May 23, 2010
Albany, NY
As the title says I've been looking at a few things between Sound Off and Axixtech but I haven't seen alot of them on here like they were on the old board. I wanna dump my talon for some smaller lights maybe a Xtreme MicroMax II or a a 2 head Ultra Light and a couple of lightheads for plowing.
Out of all the companies big and small out on the market now, Axixtech and Soundoff are the top of my list.

chfdbigbad said:
Lets just say I almost had to call the fire department and an ambulance because of a strobe piece of axixtech crap...

We had a guy's Whelen 690 power supply start a fire in a members car last week. Installed properly no less. Things happen
HPD84 said:
Sound Off,A+ :mrgreen: Axixtech-no comment :roll:
^^^ This.

Main concern for me is warranty work. I have a local dealer that handles Whelen, FedSig, and Sho-Me, which means if something dies I can get it replaced usually same day. Can't say the same for my MiniXtreme04 that's been sitting in a box since half its diodes went out.
I've had my Axixtech chameleons for a couple years now in the rear of my police cruiser. They've seen plenty of use and no issues at all. I haven't had any need for warranty work, so I can't comment on it. Slick Top Solutions is my local dealer, and I feel confident that he would take care of any issue I might ever have. I am extremely satisfied with the quality, dependability and brightness of my Axixtech products.

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