Fake Federal Agent - NYC

Impersonating A Federal Agent = Rotting in a Federal Prison

He might as well bend over on his way in :lol:
that wacker was on policeposers about 2 years ago, i seen him in the news before, he was using his dads lexus years ago in a parking permit scam. he would park with " bail enforcement" or federal agent id cards on his dash to get out of parking tickets
what an idiot. and in a mercedes no less.

I find it funny and ironic that all these impersonators are pulling over legit LEO's. It serves them right.
i dont see nothing wrong with tricking the meter maids.

but saying your DEA what a dummy
Thats pretty funny. Why do these people just decide to do that? Like it wasn't even a kid trying to be funny or have fun. This guy is doing it for real...
kitn1mcc said:
i dont see nothing wrong with tricking the meter maids.

but saying your DEA what a dummy

How is that appropriate to trick the meter maids. Not only is it unethical but also gives the public safety community a bad reputation. Besides that, if its a poser doing it to trick them then it should be theft as well.
Ben E. said:

LOL, interesting the opening of that video showing the mirror with the object closer then they appear. I made this image below a while back from a guy I saw getting arrested on suspicion of acting like law enforcement at a gas station. Was not charged for that and was just arrested far warrants, but I got the bulk of the arrest on video. Would have been a great exclusive video for the local news if he was.

[Broken External Image]:http://images114.fotki.com/v271/photos/9/14219/7700478/Impersonatormirror_da-vi.jpg
morons like that is what some of us like to call "job security" . no matter how many of them are arrested there is just as many around again in a week
UndercoverVLS said:
This incident was out east on Long Island in Suffolk County. Not around NYC, just to clarify

Gotta love the stupidity...if you can't tell an unmarked RMP out here...well...we never said this guy was a member of MENSA...

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