Philphot Ford use to build HPD cars, up until about 2 years ago i had a guy that worked at there radio shop at my fire station. Fleet safety has never had good installers ive been having to fix there crap for a long time. There installers have move over to Lone Star PSE and Cap Fleet, im not going to talk bad about those guys, but ill just say there installers are keeping me busy. LolFleet safety has been building them for years, and all of fleet safety's good installers left and went to CAP Fleet.
Lone Star PSE....are they gone now? No answer on phone, etc
Lonestar PSE is still around. But as a customer of both Lonestar PSE and Custom Pursuit Outfitters (txff914), I can say that I much prefer doing business with CPO.Lone Star PSE....are they gone now? No answer on phone, etc