I am in a bind and need your help! *UPDATED*


Veteran Member
Jul 20, 2010
NYC, New York
Hey all,

I've been out of work for the past three months (despite my best efforts) and I'm about to run out of money. If I don't make rent this month, I'll become homeless. I hate asking for anything from anyone, but even a couple bucks will help me in some way, shape or form: http://www.gofundme.com/kl5q3w

Thanks to all of you by the way. Not in advance for what you give, but for being such a great group of intelligent, like-minded individuals who have definitely taught me a thing or two in the past few years I've been part of this site's community. 

With love to you all,


*UPDATE* I've managed to get a fulltime job that I started today. However, I'm not in the clear yet as I don't get paid until next week. If anyone at all can kick me even something like $5 or $10, it would be immensely helpful.
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Is this a joke? The post here seems pretty straight, but the GoFundMe site looks like a scam.
Is this a joke? The post here seems pretty straight, but the GoFundMe site looks like a scam.
No, I'm serious. The GoFundMe takes out a percentage and it sucks, but I don't know a better alternative. I guess one could send me money directly to my paypal account but the GoFundMe kinda streamlines it all into one page, with donations filling up the donation bar and whatnot. If anyone wants to do a direct paypal donation, the address I use is thedranb@gmail.com .
Not meaning to sound like a dink, but you'd probably be better off selling a couple lightbars here. Something in demand, but at sale prices. If you don't have a house, not going to have anywhere to store/display them anyways.
Is this a joke? The post here seems pretty straight, but the GoFundMe site looks like a scam.
Gofundme is legit, anyone can request money for anything.  We use it for the site.
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Not meaning to sound like a dink, but you'd probably be better off selling a couple lightbars here. Something in demand, but at sale prices. If you don't have a house, not going to have anywhere to store/display them anyways.
I would, but I don't have access to any of my collection at this point in time. It's unfortunate but it is what it is. 
Gofundme is legit, anyone can request money for anything.  We use it for the site.

I believe he is referring to the picture on the site... not the site itself. it does appear questionable... 
Here's my 2 cents. Stop smoking weed and asking for booze donations and you may get a better donation response. Open up a little more on the specific job set you are seeking.
I believe he is referring to the picture on the site... not the site itself. it does appear questionable... 
Exactly. I know GoFundMe is legit - my concern is the content of your GFM page.

I'm not going to comment on the picture beyond saying that if you can afford that much makeup but can't afford your rent, perhaps your priorities are out of order. I also hope that you don't go out looking for work looking like that - if you do, I can probably tell you why you aren't having any luck.

Then, we have this gem:

"I also accept bottles of booze, big hugs and short poems."

If you are seriously destitute to the point that you're having to beg strangers for rent money, bottles of booze should be the furthest thing from your mind, even as a joke.

You also shouldn't have time to post on ELB because  you should be out working or looking for work. I presume you're reading ELB from your local public library, right? Because you shouldn't be paying for Internet access if you can't pay the rent.

Off my soapbox.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions and to offer suggestion, but everyone must not resort to personal attacks, and if you do not want to contribute you do not have to.

People are who they are, and they can present themselves however they want, but please offer CONSTRUCTIVE criticism only, or if you feel THAT inclined, you don't even have to post it, you can send a PM.
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Exactly. I know GoFundMe is legit - my concern is the content of your GFM page.

I'm not going to comment on the picture beyond saying that if you can afford that much makeup but can't afford your rent, perhaps your priorities are out of order. I also hope that you don't go out looking for work looking like that - if you do, I can probably tell you why you aren't having any luck.

Then, we have this gem:

"I also accept bottles of booze, big hugs and short poems."

If you are seriously destitute to the point that you're having to beg strangers for rent money, bottles of booze should be the furthest thing from your mind, even as a joke.

You also shouldn't have time to post on ELB because  you should be out working or looking for work. I presume you're reading ELB from your local public library, right? Because you shouldn't be paying for Internet access if you can't pay the rent.

Off my soapbox.
For the record, all the makeup I own, I have gotten from friends over the years. 

Furthermore, I don't know where to start correcting you . . . anyone who knows me halfway decently knows that I have a dry sense of humor. "bottles of booze, big hugs and short poems" is obviously dry humor, and I don't know who hurt you as a child but you really need to check your sense of humor. I also don't smoke weed and drink a lot, other person who commented. I don't know where you got that idea. 

And I don't know if you've ever dealt with being unemployed in NYC, but anyone who has can tell you IT ISN'T EASY. However, you cannot spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week looking for employment nonstop. There's only so much ground you can physically and figuratively cover in any given day. 

And I also happen to leach off my neighbor's wifi (with his permission) with the computer that I bought three years ago back when I did have money. This is the same computer that I use for all business transactions that I may have. It serves its purpose but there's nothing wrong with visiting the site that I've been visiting for five years in my down time. 

Your argument is invalid. Stop being a jerk. It's people like you that remind me that some people just like disagreeing with people to disagree with them, not because their disagreements make any sense. 
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Hint. Lock down your Facebook page because it's wide open for the world to read.
Just because I am around people who frequently smoke doesn't mean it's something I engage in. And on the rare occasion that I do smoke, it's not like I pay for it anyway. Also, it's really nobody's business what I do in my own time. 

Also, I keep my FB page open because I have absolutely nothing to hide. I see no problems with that. 
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Hey Doran,

I think some of the issues here are the way you have portrayed yourself go against societal norms. Further, even making a joke about alcohol funding in this case - even in jest- is a poor decision. You state you are about to be homeless- there should be no joking as this is a rather serious matter.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do however my suggestion would be to re word your go fund me request and also upload a more "standard" photo of yourself- portray yourself how you would if you were applying for a public relations job with the city or state.

Sometimes you have to play the game to get ahead. I'm all for supporting others in their alternative lifestyle choice(s) however one needs to play into society's standards sometimes. I hope you understand this isn't a personal attack in any way, just trying to offer some friendly advice.

And off my soapbox.
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Hey Doran,

I think some of the issues here are the way you have portrayed yourself go against societal norms. Further, even making a joke about alcohol funding in this case - even in jest- is a poor decision. You state you are about to be homeless- there should be no joking as this is a rather serious matter.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do however my suggestion would be to re word your go fund me request and also upload a more "standard" photo of yourself- portray yourself how you would if you were applying for a public relations job with the city or state.

Sometimes you have to play the game to get ahead. I'm all for supporting others in their alternative lifestyle choice(s) however one needs to play into society's standards sometimes. I hope you understand this isn't a personal attack in any way, just trying to offer some friendly advice.

And off my soapbox.
You're fine, you're obviously not being a jerk.

Thing is, I made that GFM page for all my friends on FB to read. They know me and my sense of humor. I guess I didn't take into account how people here might see it. My IRL and FB friends know how serious my situation is but they're all broke. 

I didn't know it was such a mortal sin to say the things I did say and upload the picture I did upload. It's just a picture of my girlfriend and myself at a goth club a few months ago. We're the ones affected and I thought it was a pretty cute picture of us (I also don't actually have any "normal" pictures of either of us). I don't understand how that's an "alternative lifestyle choice" as I'm really about as normal as they come. I just wear a lot of makeup and make stupid jokes.

Are you all really so superficial that you won't donate to my rent because you don't like the way I look? Ouch.

I'm just like every single one of you; I love lightbars and respect all of those who risk their lives every day to keep everyone else safe. That's all that should matter. Guess that's not how the real world works though, is it? 
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Look, if I had some spare cash, I'd kick it your way, but I've got problems with the IRS to the tune of $1300.00. That being said, I think the reason a previous commentor suggested you lock down your Facebook is that many hiring managers nowadays will look you up. And if they see photos of you related to drug culture, then that gives them pause to ask what kind of image you will present of their company. Right, wrong or indifferent, when you're hired, you represent them as their customers are able to look you up just as easily. They're worried about their image (and rightfully so as customers often makes decisions based solely on corporate image) and must preserve and protect his three public at large and the customer base perceive them. It's a case of what's right for you may not be right for all. If you need proof, search for the story about the Nordstrom's employee that got caved in recent history over something on his Facebook.

I'm all for people living their lives the way they choose so long as it does not harm anyone else. However, as previously mentioned, there's still enough older, more conservative folks that have their "mold" that people should fit into and when they're the ones making the hire and fire decisions, you have to play to your target audience. I mean this not as a personal attack, but rather as a cold hard truth, society will say that things like that are fine if you're applying at Spencer's, but other than that, you need to take a few considerations before you go out there. I wish you the best of luck, hope you find a job soon and are able to maintain your residence. I've lost a house before with kids involved and yeah, it sucks. I'll even pray for you, if you'd like.
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Look, if I had some spare cash, I'd kick it your way, but I've got problems with the IRS to the tune of $1300.00. That being said, I think the reason a previous commentor suggested you lock down your Facebook is that many hiring managers nowadays will look you up. And if they see photos of you related to drug culture, then that gives them pause to ask what kind of image you will present of their company. Right, wrong or indifferent, when you're hired, you represent them as their customers are able to look you up just as easily. They're worried about their image (and rightfully so as customers often makes decisions based solely on corporate image) and must preserve and protect his three public at large and the customer base perceive them. It's a case of what's right for you may not be right for all. If you need proof, search for the story about the Nordstrom's employee that got caved in recent history over something on his Facebook.

I'm all for people living their lives the way they choose so long as it does not harm anyone else. However, as previously mentioned, there's still enough older, more conservative folks that have their "mold" that people should fit into and when they're the ones making the hire and fire decisions, you have to play to your target audience. I mean this not as a personal attack, but rather as a cold hard truth, society will say that things like that are fine if you're applying at Spencer's, but other than that, you need to take a few considerations before you go out there. I wish you the best of luck, hope you find a job soon and are able to maintain your residence. I've lost a house before with kids involved and yeah, it sucks. I'll even pray for you, if you'd like.
I know a majority of the people on this site who know me would help me if they could, and I am beyond thankful for just that. 

Regarding the drugs, I don't know who saw what, but I never post anything relating to drugs of any sort unless it's directly condemning them. I'm not one to flaunt the questionably legal things that I may or may not do. 

Thanks to you and to everyone else who bothered to take the time and write thoughtful replies to my post. While I may not agree with every single aspect of every post, I respect all of you and appreciate the fact that you respect me enough to give me your honest opinions and advice. 
you mean to tell me there are no jobs in all 5 borros of the city or  west chester county
Congrats on the job. Hope things keep going good for you now.

The light at the end of the tunnel isn't always that of an oncoming train.
I know a majority of the people on this site who know me would help me if they could, and I am beyond thankful for just that.

Regarding the drugs, I don't know who saw what, but I never post anything relating to drugs of any sort unless it's directly condemning them. I'm not one to flaunt the questionably legal things that I may or may not do.

Thanks to you and to everyone else who bothered to take the time and write thoughtful replies to my post. While I may not agree with every single aspect of every post, I respect all of you and appreciate the fact that you respect me enough to give me your honest opinions and advice.
I'm glad you got a job.

I mentioned locking down Facebook because you stated something to the tune of " being honest gets you no where. So what if I smoked a little weed the night before an interview and told them about it." Not your exact words but close enough. I noticed said comment has since been removed. If your honestly strapped and looking for help, lying to people your reaching out to isn't a great idea.

Again, congrats on the new job.
I'm glad you got a job.

I mentioned locking down Facebook because you stated something to the tune of " being honest gets you no where. So what if I smoked a little weed the night before an interview and told them about it." Not your exact words but close enough. I noticed said comment has since been removed. If your honestly strapped and looking for help, lying to people your reaching out to isn't a great idea.

Again, congrats on the new job.
Thanks. Thing is that it's the one and only time I've smoked anything in the recent past (and I'm talking many months). I think labeling me as a "smoker" or something like that just isn't fair. It was just really really poor timing. I'm not trying to mislead anyone, I'm just trying to keep everything honest. 
So what he smoked at least he admitted it and didn't inhale.

By the way congrats on the full time job. And stay away from smoke companies love to random testing especially on new people.
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