In a bit of a jam deciding on something....

May 21, 2010
Berlin, MI, 48002
I've been thinking about this for most of the day, & can't seem to totally make up my mind.

I bought 3 lightbars a few weeks ago & sold 2 of them & did well enough on them that I'm still $50 ahead of the game AND still have the 3rd lightbar left.

A friend of mine wanted to trade me a beautiful 47" AeroTwin with X-mirrors for the 3rd lightbar & I turned it down... figuring my 3rd lightbar would be easier to move than the Aerotwin.

He asked me to sell the bar & / or domes- together or seperate, but my idea is I'd LOVE to sell the domes, give him the money from the dome sale, buy the bar & make the NYPD version.

I DO like the Aerotwin but not in its' current state.... which means I'd have to buy new domes at over $200, find some "V" mirrors & add the flasher assemblies & bulbs (which I have).

The lightbar my friend wants is a nice D-Tech Excalibur w/arrow; which I figure is worth around $250.

Here is a picture of the Aerotwin:

[Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]

The domes are almost new:

[Broken External Image]:[URL][/URL]

I don't know if I answered my own question or what, its' been a long day...


If it helps I have an NYPD Aerotwin already & don't really need a 2nd, but, nice 47" Aerotwins aren't exactly easy to find either...
I would not take a nice medium size Aerotwin with the X mirrors and convert it to a NYPD bar as there seems to be plenty of NYPD bars or poor condition Aerotwins available for conversion.

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