In Progress, New Brush/Utility *DONE!!!* Video added 4-2-11


May 23, 2010
Well, the time has come to replace our Gem, our pride and joy...Our 1970 Ford F-250 which was bought brand new and has been in our possesion since day one and is still currently in service..kinda :? we just rolled 7000 miles on her this spring and were not sure what will become of her once the replacment is put into service. Also new this year is our Addition to the brush fire/wildland rescue arsenal is a Kubota RTV900 with custom built skid/tank/pump by us. Here is a pic of our baby and pics of the in Progress build of the new one.

[Broken External Image]: Mead 2/2007_052429-4-newTires0021.jpg


And the new one, 2011 Ford F-550 being built by Keystone. This will have the Polybuilt wildland stakpak body along with custom built skid, 300g tank i believe the pump is a 300gpm but i forget for sure :oops: . back seats will house 2 scba seats with third person in middle. as far as lighting, its all Whelen, freedom up top with M6's grill and rear, M7's for sides. cant wait for it to be done.

Pump is not set for final place in this pic.


Shot of the passenger side front of body


Shot of the huge compartments (34" tall X 50" wide X 22"deep)


Shot of the rear

[Broken External Image]: Apparatus/West Mead 2/New 29-4/DSCF1729.jpg

Front, chrome grill and brush guard have been ordered


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Nice. keep us posted. I like how you are using the M6 on the rear. Are you going to put M series in the grill and intersection.
Why are you putting chrome on a brush truck? Seems like a waste if it's going to be trudging through woods.
Let me know what is going to become of the old one.....
VolEms said:
Nice. keep us posted. I like how you are using the M6 on the rear. Are you going to put M series in the grill and intersection.

Yes there will be M6's on the brush guard along with M6's on the sides of the brush guard for intersection. Front sides will be R/C and the set of M7's by the wheel wells will be R/A

philyumpshus said:
Why do you have SCBA seats in a brush truck? Sounds more like a quick attack/ mini pumper to me.

:D well this rig will be our brush rig but will also now pick up the jobs of traffic control,trees/wires down,CO calls,ETC. RIT assist (as secondary out) so having at least 2 more scba's iss a plus, that and by putting them in the cab it free's up space in the body.

Doug said:
Why are you putting chrome on a brush truck? Seems like a waste if it's going to be trudging through woods.

Hhahaha weeellllllll ya see... :? ok so the truck comm. went through HUGE debates and arguments over this new rig and what it's main purpose would be, one thing EVERYone agreed on was that its not going to be able to get as "Offroad" as our current buggy which is ok because it will be bringing our RTV to the scene anyways. Our current buggy has 625' of preconnected forrestry lines (3 seperate 125'/200'/300') and the engine assigned to assist has one 1.75 preconnect designated to pulling at 300' in length with a gated wye at the end so we could reach out 925' if needed. Personally i think the chrome grill looks hidious :roll: and dont want it but im just one vote.
Here is the new trailer for the RTV. Made by Interstate Trailers, Had to make it taller when we ordered it for a taller door opening which worked out for us in several ways. The trailer will carry not only the RTV but also chainsaws, rakes, shovels, brooms, ems equip, bottled water, forrestry coats, stokes basket and backboard...i think thats it for now haha but im sure we'll think of something else to put in there. Will have pics of the RTV up soon...


JohnMarcson said:
Let me know what is going to become of the old one.....

That John is the debate of the Centry!! were not sure what is going to happen with it, half wants to get rid of it other wants to keep it. if it does get sold we will most likely do a raffle and make a big party out of it. if that happens you'll know fer sure!
Ok so got some pics of the new RTV, pretty basic since its mainly offroad. This unit will be secondary for Brush fires, primary for wildland rescues. during the County Fair it is used as first out for any calls on the grounds and backup for EMS if they request it. Lighting is simple there are 4 Whelen 500's, 2 up front and 2 in rear.





Oh and before anyone asks...we do plan on lettering and striping the trailer and lettering the RTV but, thats going to wait and isnt a high priority project right now :mrgreen:
Everything looks good so far. Looking forward to pics of the RTV.

Are you all planning on putting warning and/or scene lighting on the trailer?

Our brush truck is a multipurpose truck too. It is out main EMS response vehicle since my VFD only does BLS Rapid Response (Rescue and Pumper are back-ups). Our old brush truck was an ex-military pickup that would climb straight up a vertical wall pretty much, but we all ceded that the new one isn't really going off-roading that much...its far too pretty, haha.
aberfitchguy2472 said:
Everything looks good so far. Looking forward to pics of the RTV.

Are you all planning on putting warning and/or scene lighting on the trailer?

Our brush truck is a multipurpose truck too. It is out main EMS response vehicle since my VFD only does BLS Rapid Response (Rescue and Pumper are back-ups). Our old brush truck was an ex-military pickup that would climb straight up a vertical wall pretty much, but we all ceded that the new one isn't really going off-roading that much...its far too pretty, haha.

RTV looks good, haha. Guess you were working on the pics as I was typing the comment.
sorry its been a while....we should be taking delivery by end of this month, were hoping before Christmas but, i dont think that will happen. this is a side view with body mounted fresh out of paint.

Man i love that old 1970s truck looks nice :)
Palightfreak said:
sorry its been a while....we should be taking delivery by end of this month, were hoping before Christmas but, i dont think that will happen. this is a side view with body mounted fresh out of paint.


looks great. good luck and can't wait to see the 100% finished product
Station 3 said:
Man i love that old 1970s truck looks nice :)
So do I. I hope it would find a new home with a restorer of fire apparatus. Doesn't look like it would need much work, just put a TwinSonic back onto the roof. Looks like it originally had a Twinsonic that was stripped and used as a mounting base for that MX7000.
Palightfreak said:
sorry its been a while....we should be taking delivery by end of this month, were hoping before Christmas but, i dont think that will happen. this is a side view with body mounted fresh out of paint.


Looks like it is going to be a great truck when its all finished.

Are my eyes playing ticks on me, or is that truck orange?
aberfitchguy2472 said:
Looks like it is going to be a great truck when its all finished.

Are my eyes playing ticks on me, or is that truck orange?

Sorry its the quality of the photo sent to me She is allll VERY Red! Vermillion Red to be exact which is the Stock Ford color
Palightfreak said:
sorry its been a while....we should be taking delivery by end of this month, were hoping before Christmas but, i dont think that will happen. this is a side view with body mounted fresh out of paint.


That's an awesome truck, but if y'all's terrain is anything like it is around here, that truck is gonna sink the moment it steps foot off the roadway....Best of luck with it though. Oh, and that 'ol '70 is BADASS!!
Ok here we go, its done and in the barn!!

2011 Ford F-550 4x4

Built by keystone body by Polybuilt

Lighting is all whelen

Freedom no lights in rear

Up front grill area are M6's in red

Intersections are M6's red/clear

Top of body are M7's red

rear wheel well M7's red/amber

In the rear we have 4 M6's in four corners red

TIR6 style arrow split stick

M6 series tail light cluster

FRC 150 watt HID telescoping scene lights

Powercall 6Adam (200watt)

FS ES100 speakers (2)

Inside we have 3 SCBA seats

Weldon Vista Touch screen to run everything

Skid unit is a 300gal with a Hale 240gpm pump, (3) forrestry lines, (1) 1.5 discharge, and (1) garden hose discharge for filling cans. One rear compartment currently has 150' of 1.5 line and the other rear compartment will have at least 2 but were trying for 3 sections of hard suction pending space.



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Wow it looks Great! All we need is a Vid asap. I like how you used the M series lightheads. Does it have a HLF? One last thing why did you choose the ES100 speakers.
Looks great. Is that a touch screen controller or just a system monitor? Whats with the dual exhaust pipe thing? I take it that this doesnt go into an exhaust system?
Nice truck and install, love the touch screen control unit. QQ thou, what type of mounts are used for the M6's on the front brush guard? I'd like to have a truck like that.
If you are willing to answer: How much did this unit cost all said and done, even a ballpark would be great. We are looking into getting something similar.
theroofable said:
Looks great. Is that a touch screen controller or just a system monitor? Whats with the dual exhaust pipe thing? I take it that this doesnt go into an exhaust system?

The dual exhaust is the stock Ford exhaust.

Sharp looking rig. Our Mountain Rescue team just got one that they're outfitting right now. I can't believe how quiet that 6.7L is.
VolEms said:
Wow it looks Great! All we need is a Vid asap. I like how you used the M series lightheads. Does it have a HLF? One last thing why did you choose the ES100 speakers.

Vids are coming so hang HLF and with the finished product really no need for them...and as for the speakers we really didnt know what would fit since these new trucks are stuffed to the gills with littel to no space left so we just said whatever fits put them in.

theroofable said:
Looks great. Is that a touch screen controller or just a system monitor? Whats with the dual exhaust pipe thing? I take it that this doesnt go into an exhaust system?

Yes it is a touch screen controller, there are no rocker switches or relays all done by nodes and computer. Stock tail pipe, we asked if that could be removed and a 4" piece added in for our exhaust system and after consulting with ford they said it would void the warrenty due to it being part of the new emmisions stuff. The air coming out of the tailpipe is cleaner then whats going in so no biggie.

car54 said:
Nice truck and install, love the touch screen control unit. QQ thou, what type of mounts are used for the M6's on the front brush guard? I'd like to have a truck like that.

They are custom made enclosures that they built for those, i can get a closer pic if you would like to see it.

charlie82 said:
If you are willing to answer: How much did this unit cost all said and done, even a ballpark would be great. We are looking into getting something similar.

Our final price was 132,220 i believe or 135,220 either one. we recieved a Fed. Grant for about 93,000 of it so our out of pocket was the price of the cab/chassis which was 45 and some change.

Respondcode3 said:
why would you cover the liscense plate when the department name is on the side of the truck?

Really?? does it really matter if people cover the plate numbers in here or any other forum or in the net? is there some kind of Law that says peole arent allowed to cover the plates? does it affect you in any way? i mean really who cares if the plate is covered or not, if your worried about it please feel free to stop over and check out the station and look at all the plates ya want. Its just a Personal prefference for me to not display ANY plate numbers on ANY vehicle i post a pic of just like i dont give out ANYbodies phone number w/o their permission.

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