Jeep Wrangler.. Where to put lights?!


New Member
May 30, 2010
Just bought a 2010 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited in white. A little stuck where to put lights. I have 4 LIN4 (b/w), a miniphantom, and 3 dual talons (2 b/w & 1 b/b) from my previous vehicle. I'm open to purchasing new lights if I need to, but I'd like to keep what I have if I figure out where to put them. I have NO CLUE where to mount lights in this Jeep.

Someone help!!
I would mount the b/b talon centered on the dash, put the lin4's in the grill area or on the bumper. and i would mount the b/w talons on the rear tailgate on the inside or if you have the hardtop i would mount them on the top. and maybe get a license plate bracket and put two tir3's on it and maybe some sound off ghosts for side warning. Oh and put the mini phantom up by your rear view mirror.
2 LIN4's in the grill, 2 on the side of the bumper, talon(s) on the front dash/RVM area, then left over in the back.
The top comes on and off constantly so there goes that idea. I don't need side warning as I don't clear intersections and the LIN4s look goofy in the grille.
Mount them on the front bumper then, and mount the talons on the back door.
Put 2 LIN 4's on the rear, between the bumper and tail gate.
When I had my old TJ, there were no such things as LED's for lighting. I had a soft top and what I did to the rear, was to put a pair or HAW's in the reverse, and then mounted a couple strobes on the inside uppers of the roll bar. As for the front, try not to put things on the dash as the defroster is right there and you may block it. I had mine above the mirror and then did grille.
I don't think you would be riding in the rain with the top off, so why not trade a B/W dual Talon for a B/A dual Talon. Then put a B/W above the RVM, LIN 4s in the grille, your B/B talon and a B/A talon on the rear roll bar along with LAWs in the tail lights.
Tlandreth22 said:
I don't think you would be riding in the rain with the top off, so why not trade a B/W dual Talon for a B/A dual Talon. Then put a B/W above the RVM, LIN 4s in the grille, your B/B talon and a B/A talon on the rear roll bar along with LAWs in the tail lights.
Any driving over 30mph and you're completely dry. It's not a Jeep thing, but a Wrangler thing :cool:
pondfly said:
Any driving over 30mph and you're completely dry. It's not a Jeep thing, but a Wrangler thing :cool:
Good to see other people on the site that are wrangler fanatics.
OK, let's say you had the hard top on the four door Wrangler and you did want to install a light bar. How would you do it? What are the options? Feel free to be creative.
The Insider said:
OK, let's say you had the hard top on the four door Wrangler and you did want to install a light bar. How would you do it? What are the options? Feel free to be creative.
Imo minibars look best on wranglers.
put the lin4s on a bracket between the tailgate and body, a dual talon centered in the windshield, or maybe 2 of them, other then that unless you want to get a headlight flasher and vertex's thats all i would do
The Insider said:
OK, let's say you had the hard top on the four door Wrangler and you did want to install a light bar. How would you do it? What are the options? Feel free to be creative.
Get one of the lightsbars you use to mount the 4 spot lights across the roof and Mount 2 mini halo light bars on it over the driver and passenger side and in the middle 2 spot lights. excellent install right there.
Here are my ideas, I tried to cheaply "photoshop" in what I would do with what lights you have now.

Picture #1

This is the set up for the front, put two of the LIN 4's on the bumper, the mini phantom above the rearview mirror, and the talon on the dash.

Picture #2

This is a shot from the inside (its very helpful to have a father who has a new Wrangler Unlimited and myself owning a 1992 Wrangler, father in the driver seat and me on the passenger)

Picture #3

And finally the rear end.

Picture #4

This is my Jeep and how I mounted lights

Pictures #5-6

And what I hope to get and build after a few years in the Coast Guard, but in maroon (again a cheap "photoshop" rendering)

I had troubles loading images so I went this route





Dream Jeep.jpg

Dream Jeep 2.jpg
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on the rear there is the piece of metal that holds up the 3rd brake light. It comes out from behind the spare tire. Mount a piece of flatstock horizontally on that and then moun the lin4s on that. Get what im saying? We have a wrangler also
The Insider said:
OK, let's say you had the hard top on the four door Wrangler and you did want to install a light bar. How would you do it? What are the options? Feel free to be creative.

I was wondering if a full size lightbar would work using straps (no drills) on the part of the hardtop that covers the rear passengers and cargo. My thought is they would close into the rear passenger doors on a four door unlimited. Would the hardtop support this? I would imagine using a quick connect plug to be able to remove the final hardtop piece if necessary, although I doubt I would ever do that.

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