kanye west

I am 100% serious when I say that for a while I thought Kanye West was a personality someone was doing... like Andy Kaufman and Tony Clifton etc.
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he suffered a brain injury and turned him into an idiot.

Now when ODB rushed the stage years ago saying Wu-Tang was for the children that was just funny. 
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You can thank our mis-guided media for PR whores like Kanye and Kim Kardashian. They named their kid "North" for crying out loud. I get tired of seeing her big caboose in the press all the time, too. They both need to get back on the mother ship from whence they came...

rant over.
You can thank our mis-guided media for PR whores like Kanye and Kim Kardashian. They named their kid "North" for crying out loud. I get tired of seeing her big caboose in the press all the time, too. They both need to get back on the mother ship from whence they came...

rant over.
As long as people idolize and financially support them, annoying pseudo-celebs will be around.
I learned that K West was going to be doing a free concert downtown the other day and I almost lost it. That tool has to stay the hell outta my city. I and every other respectable human in this city do not want to endure the traffic and train delays that egotistical jerk causes.
they named their kid "North" for crying out loud...... They both need to get back on the mother ship from whence they came...
speaking of "north" and "getting back to the mother ship".............. I'm still waiting for him to move to Canada. What's he waiting for?
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I don't understand most of the Hip Hop music and im only like 26 im not old I just graduated highschool in 2007 I never understood how people can talk into a laptop and auto tune it to vaguely kinda sound like maybe they are trying to "sing" and make MILLIONS and be on TV.... Its just amazing how the world works and how someone can so easily make it big now a days with out any talent or skills.....
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I don't understand most of the Hip Hop music and im only like 26 im not old I just graduated highschool in 2007 I never understood how people can talk into a laptop and auto tune it to vaguely kinda sound like maybe they are trying to "sing" and make MILLIONS and be on TV.... Its just amazing how the world works and how someone can so easily make it big now a days with out any talent or skills.....

Go listen to Run-DMC,KRS-1,Tribe called quest,jungle brothers,Black sheep

the old school and 90's hip hop is were its at.   there are some good new school artists as we

get a copy of Wu-Tangs enter the 36 chambers
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Go listen to Run-DMC,KRS-1,Tribe called quest,jungle brothers,Black sheep

the old school and 90's hip hop is were its at.   there are some good new school artists as we

get a copy of Wu-Tangs enter the 36 chambers

Yeah im familiar with the Real music which is the old 80s and 90s rap that stuff is great and still bumps on my crown vic when im on patrol.
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Amen brother!! I grew up when the rap craze was in, around 1989 to the early 90s and actually liked a lot of it. Personally now I still listen to "Backspin" on Sirius on occasion. I never listen to any Top 40 broadcast channels. I don't see much talent of any kind with most of these artists. Personally I look more towards Dance and DJ artists, electronics and the like. Early 80s industrial and British invasion stuff plus stuff from the 70s and 60s. Without bands like the Beetles, the Doors, Rolling Stones and the like we wouldn't have the music we have now. Bands like Bauhaus, Cabaret Voltaire, Joy Division, Mission UK and so on influenced so much of the music we listen to today, not so much the specific style of say, Lady Gaga, but the basic fundamentals of electronics and synths those bands pioneered back in the early 80s.

I don't understand most of the Hip Hop music and im only like 26 im not old I just graduated highschool in 2007 I never understood how people can talk into a laptop and auto tune it to vaguely kinda sound like maybe they are trying to "sing" and make MILLIONS and be on TV.... Its just amazing how the world works and how someone can so easily make it big now a days with out any talent or skills.....
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The best thing Serius ever did was get Ed lover on back spin.   He has been around for years and knows everyone.   and his brother is NYPD too

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