Wanted: Modern ledx2100 6 up optix

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Lightbar addict
May 21, 2010
Elmira, ny
okay sooooooooooooooooooooo I'm a little pressed for time on this ad, but am DESPERATELY seeking 2 corner 6 up optix and 8 single LED modules for a build I'm doing for a fellow firefighter that is a newly appointed chief.

NEED TO HAVE THIS BAR DONE BY MAY 1ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. budget is $150.00 total for all 10 pieces (selling an Excalibur to fund this build also to another firefighter on the same department)

Desperate to get this done for him, so all help is greatly appreciated. not really looking for donations to this build, but it might help if anyone wants to donate. its my first time doing this
damn I keep forgetting to put colors......6 single reds, the corners have to be red, and then I need 2 single heads to be blue. would also like for the the lenses to have all the same optics on the lenses
Might have the blue's you need. I'll check the storage when I get home from work

You're looking for 2 6-Up Optix in blue, correct?
OK, I know I dont think I have any red, and I'll look for the blue

works for me. I already know I'm not gonna have this bar done on time, so not sure what I want to do now at this point (unless by some miraculous miracle I get the LEDs this week from another member, but I'm sure something came up that got in the way to prevent them from being shipped
Well an update on this, maddux31 got back with me.....and overlooked message that had my address (easy mistake)

So at this point this thread can be locked, due to finding the leds needed :)

Apologies to maddux for me sounding like an ass :(
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