M1225 question

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Senior Member
May 20, 2010
I'm planning on putting a vhf m1225 radio in my truck.I was wondering if anybody knew if it was capable of running narrow band or not.

Thanks Ryan CTFD

Yes, it should.
Don't do it! those radios suck for programming!!! Get a CDM or even a spectra thats been properly recapped.
I have one in the command trailer with a agency I vollie with- it simply refuses flat out to even recognize a aftermarket rib (exact moto copy) , real Moto rib, SmartRib, and as of this current date- 5 different laptops with proper specs, 1 laptop with DOS only and from the mid 90's, and 3 different desktop PC's.

Than, we took it into a moto shop... and wouldn't you know it, same issue. I've been told some are really selective on which RSS/CPS it uses- what type of RIB, and which computer is running said RSS.

Personal experience.
All of mine (10+) did fine on my laptop running Win98 and a Ribless cable. Never had an issue... I even have an chip to soup these bad boys up to 200+ channels! :)
Thanks for the info guys.I cant complain i got this unit for free.my old fire dep was gonna donate it and my chief told me i could have it.So free isnt so bad i've already contacted my moto installer and he said he'll install for 50.00 along with a 1/4 mag antenna and a extra power pig tail.
I'm running this type of radio. Got two different freqs that I rarely use that are split, but can't complain any, as the few times I've used 'em, they worked fine. Programming was done by Pimp.
I have a M1225 UHF in my truck running both HAM and business band frequencies including narrowband and have never had an issue. Programmed it with aftermarket RIB and cable, using the 3.1 version software in 2 different computers, no issues at all. Great Radio!!!

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