Man killed after pointing water hose nozzle at police

ISU_Cyclone said:
And of course the ill-informed family members are making idiotic statements about the police and hiring attorneys.

Moral of the story, don't point metal gun-looking objects at the police and expect them to take the time to ask if it is in fact a real gun or something similar. Thats not fair.


You can't expect an officer to instantly dissect, in his/her mind, what exactly the object is. If it looks like a gun and the suspect is attempting to make the object seem threatening, than you can bet your ass that I'm going to react to the situation as threatening. It's not the officer's fault the suspect is a moron - if it's my life or theirs, I choose mine every time.
you can't fix stupid. Senseless, yes.. but, it was all him. I'm going home at night. Nuff said.
Got what he deserved, IMHO...
rwo978 I disagree, you CAN fix stupid, and that officer did just that.. that fella wont every have another problem with being stupid...
I get the family being upset, but they should be upset at him, not the cops. Recently, a kid shot it out with two officers in my area. He tried to rob them during a sting where they were dressed as pizza delivery drivers. He fired on the two officers, who weren't hit. They returned fire, injuring him critically.

Mom got on the news, and instead of the normal BS rhetoric, apologized to the officers and their families. No racial BS, no excuses, no blame game, no lawsuit talk. It made me not only respect her, but feel compassion toward her.
crescentstar69 said:
I get the family being upset, but they should be upset at him, not the cops. Recently, a kid shot it out with two officers in my area. He tried to rob them during a sting where they were dressed as pizza delivery drivers. He fired on the two officers, who weren't hit. They returned fire, injuring him critically.

Mom got on the news, and instead of the normal BS rhetoric, apologized to the officers and their families. No racial BS, no excuses, no blame game, no lawsuit talk. It made me not only respect her, but feel compassion toward her.

If only more people were like that these days....
Darwin wins again!!!!

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