Montgomery County Texas Dodge Charger...what is it?

VolEms said:
It looks like its doing a nice job blocking the lightbar.
...and it would be ugly as hell even if it wasn't. I much prefer them to be hidden somewhere - on the dashboard, mounted on a push bumper, inside the grille... hell, even a cutout in the middle of the bumper...
Looks like ANPR hardware to me: Automated Number Plate Recognition system.

They come in different shape and form, this notbeing the most subtle one.
More discreet in the UK, where they run ANPR Interceptor Teams.4814614689_c17b22e9df_b.jpg[/attachment:1q2363iz]4814614689_c17b22e9df_b.jpg[/attachment:1q2363iz]


Seems like everyone up here has them mounted on the rear trunk. They are out of the way, so they are less likely to get smacked by stuff, and are not as obvious.


Where are the cameras for it though?
I think they are behind the mirror and on the deck.

But it does say "ANPR Interception Team" on the back of the car.
I love the battenburg. A normal use (non slick top) police patrol car shouldn't be stealthy. You want people to know you're around to obtain voluntary compliance by mere presence
I think the tech flip-flopped the brackets - they were most likely supposed to be behind the bar and angled out.
The plate readers are popping up all over my area and are being purchased with homeland security grants. I've only seen the cameras mounted on the trunk lid. Blocking the lightbar seems crazy. I saw some dirtybutt get pulled over and arrested in my area the other day. I talked to the officer later, and she said his warrant popped up as she was driving by and the reader signaled her. Pretty cool. He had a felony warrant for a gun violation, and she wouldn't have known otherwise. The ACLU types are screaming, I'm sure, but I love it. If you have nothing to hide, who cares?
Stendec said:
I think the tech flip-flopped the brackets - they were most likely supposed to be behind the bar and angled out.
I'm just back from Spain, where I've seen ANPR cams mounted INSIDE the bar... Really cool.

Sorry no pics, Madrid cops were not in a happy mood.
crescentstar69 said:
The ACLU types are screaming, I'm sure, but I love it. If you have nothing to hide, who cares?

The standard response is that vehicles don't have the same privacy expectations as persons or structures, and that the purpose of license plates is to be visible and legible in public. You hear the same specious crap about red-light cameras, speed cameras, and CCTV cameras in public spaces.
It should be the concern of every citizen, that government might be storing information, like where you were and when you were there. Yes, plates are in public view and are public record. There is no legal issue with running plates for no reason (probable cause, reasonable susp, etc). The legal issue, is what useful purpose is there in saving the plate information that was ran? You may not agree with everything the ACLU does, but without them, we wouldn't have the freedoms we exercise everyday, and on this board.
A rather less ugly way to do it (if you ignore the TOMAR lightbar)



There are obviously different companies making these units but how is there such a disparity in the sizes of the cameras!? The CVPI above has small ones but the Charger's are huge, not to mention in a really stupid spot.
The main bitch, grip, and moan here by the ACLU is that the information collected saves to a database for a short amount of time (2-3 days).

That's funny, when you consider that the information is already on file, essentially permanently.

If i was an administrator in a Big City, I'd try to figure out some way to get ALPRs loaned to malls, schools, colleges and hospitals for mounting on their cars, so they could be trolling for hits while running around parking lots. They'd need to be dumbed down versions that wouldn't disclose sensitive information like registrations, but just signal a hit.

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