My Patrol Car

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Jul 4, 2010
Central Arkansas
I'm new to the site so I'll go ahead and introduce myself. Name is Josh and I'm a Deputy Sheriff in central Arkansas, looking forward to getting to know the folks here.

This is a picture of the patrol car my agency uses, I'll get some pics of my personal car uploaded sometime soon. All lighting is SOS as well as siren and controls. We just replaced the entire fleet last year so all cars are 2009 Crown Victorias.


This is the only one I have of a car from my previous agency, it is one of 2 Crown Victorias, all other are Impalas.

Nice to meet you Josh and Welcome. You might get asked quite a bit of question on here, especially within the install sections, so please don't feel like we are picking on you. We are just a very interested crowd.

Also, very nice looking ride.. I bet you sure do miss the tint though in the new car. Looks like it was pretty well tinted in the previous one.
Those units look odd with the light bars not centered over the "B" pillars. I like the graphics on the first one though.
I didn't even notice that till you pointed it out... Thank you for that.. grrrr.. LOL.. I also like the graphics. Very nice indeed.
Ya know I never noticed the lightbar thing till you said that lol. When I get a chance I get a list together of all the lighting and various equipment on the car. I know I'm looking at adding a dual 6 LED dash light from soon. And yes I miss the tint, but the Sheriff doesn't like tint so I live with it.
That's weird. Why so? Must have had a bad experience with tint as a child.. LOL

Welcome aboard!! We are almost neighbors!! I live up the interstate in Russellville and am caretaker of an old American LaFrance pumper. I believe that you will enjoy this site. Lots of useful information. Again, welcome aboard!

My chief is the same way with tint. He feels it's 'too aggressive' and that officers need to be seen. Personally, I don't think the public needs to see me in my car as long as they see the car. My sgt was able to tint his windows because he has a permit from the state allowing him to have windows darker then 32%, even on his POV (note from a doc saying he has an eye condition). When I rode with him, it was easier to see violations and was a LOT cooler.

Can you get a pic of the interior set up?
I like the tank with the black and gold lettering. :D
Here's a list of the equipment on/in the car:

SOS ETL lightbar (we run all blue)

SOS XP63 lower deck lights

Unknown brand 6 led upper deck lights

Blue Whelen Vertex lights in the reverse lights

(2)Whelen Dominator 2 head modules in the grill b/w/b/w

Whelen HAW strobes in brake and blinker housing

High/low flashers

JotoDesk console

Motorola PM400 radio

SOS ETSA380MF siren/light control

Genesis II Radar

Patriot Cage

Tufloc shotgun rack

Go Rhino push bumper
Welcome. Nice ride!

Hi from the Searcy area.
I dislike tint for the same reason I dislike sunglasses with reflective lenses - the public is supposed to see us, after all, we work for them.

There are exceptions to everything: K9 cars, surveillance vehicles, marine, desert, snow, high-altitude work.
Where did you get the decals? I was just looking at the car below and want the same pattern you have for our new car.

Love the console. Not cluttered and you have everything you need (with the exception of a cup holder ;) )
RL1 said:
Love the console. Not cluttered and you have everything you need (with the exception of a cup holder ;) )
On the bottom of the console there is a cup holder with a water bottle in it.
Finally got them to resize. Yeah there are two upholders at the en of the console and an armrest as well. It's hand sanatizer though, can't take the nasties home with me lol.


hawkspringsfire said:
On the bottom of the console there is a cup holder with a water bottle in it.

Ahh. Didn't see that at first.

I'm with you on the germs. Have my go-to-jail gloves on the dash and germ-x in the door.
Stendec said:
I dislike tint for the same reason I dislike sunglasses with reflective lenses - the public is supposed to see us, after all, we work for them.

There are exceptions to everything: K9 cars, surveillance vehicles, marine, desert, snow, high-altitude work.
You don't live in the south do you? It really helps with heat.
I was under the impression that tint is also good for officer safety. If the gunman can't see you, then he can't know whether you are in the car unless he walks up directly to you. No?
Also, you can look at the bad guy without them knowing it.
And you can put the car without an officer on a road for "presence" and traffic enforcement. People will think an officer is there running radar and slow down.
Bonanno said:
And you can put the car without an officer on a road for "presence" and traffic enforcement. People will think an officer is there running radar and slow down.

I've always wanted to do that, but leave the radar on so people with detectors will think they are free and clear after the pass and not realize the box is now alerting to my radar up the road.
RL1 said:
I've always wanted to do that, but leave the radar on so people with detectors will think they are free and clear after the pass and not realize the box is now alerting to my radar up the road.

Now that, is a good one. It is very unique and you would certainly catch someone.
Arkansas agencies have mounted the lightbar behind the B pillar for quite awhile now. i was an officer there with a couple of departments back in the early to mid 80s, and everyone there was doing it that way back then.

Some of the State Police cruisers even had their bars mounted further back, almost to the center of the rear door. You can see this in vintage pictures on some of the online cop car photo sites. It was a really strange look.

It's actually a trend that I believe was started when smaller cars first started hitting fleets back in the late 70s and early 80s. I have the experience to prove it may have actually been for officer safety. For example, we had a Chrysler Reliant K car in our fleet when I was with a department in one Ozark Mountain town. Our Chief was big on experimenting and like the fact it had front wheel drive. It was actually great for climbing the steep roads on the mountain and scooting around the narrow streets but it sucked at everything else, especially creature comfort inside. It had a Federal VisiBar that stuck out over the roofline on both sides by several inches, but the shop guys had mounted the bar as far forward as possible because of the thin metal of the roof and the odd angle it sat at. I have often regretted their decision, as I still have a scar in my scalp from nailing my head on it one night while jumping out on a call. Mounting the bar further back would have prevented this headache, literally.
Well I have been re-assigned to a different car. Everything is the same except I lost the grill lights, upper deck lights, and the vertex lights in the reverse light housing. I did gain a set of window bars for the rear though. Currently adding a ark-la-miss dual 6led to the dash and microman 20" g3 to the grill.
I think tint should be standard on all LE vehicles, public safety vehicles for that matter. If I couldn't wear Oakleys with Iridium (reflective) lenses I don't think I would wear sunglasses at all. I would just deal with the sun. Public does not need to know what I am looking at.

Great looking cars.
Very nice looking ride... I believe you may have stopped me for speeding once or twice in the past.... LOL.

Hello from Benton!
Finally got around to getting a video of my car. I have had to swap cars a couple of months ago, so I have changed my lights.

I now have a Microman 20" bar in front and a Microman 12" bar above the LP, both are controlled with Sho-Me 7 pattern flashers. Please excuse the quality, it was shot with my iphone about 10 minutes ago.


My God that lghtbar is intense. I love that car. We use to run all blue and now we run red/blue. I wish we could go back. Great video and pics.

I just sent you a PM with a off-topic question. Be safe out there!!!
SoFlaDep said:
My God that lghtbar is intense. I love that car. We use to run all blue and now we run red/blue. I wish we could go back. Great video and pics.

I just sent you a PM with a off-topic question. Be safe out there!!!

DEP got some chargers?
I am not sure but DEP in Florida drive pick-ups and SUVs with some cars. My picture is a North Carolina Highway Patrol car. I love that car. LOL I just got it..My name is SoFlaDep, I am a deputy is south Florida not DEP. Thanks for pointing that out.
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