New Company: Feniex

i just talked to the boss, we are going to be marketing the surface mounts at around 53 a piece... same price point as the XT4's the HAWLED is going to be around 65-70 a head.
We are in the process of setting price points and getting the new items up on the web. Once we get the Python bars in, I will get some pics up.
Hey All,

Just purchased an 8 light LED Bar from them, a Siren Unit, and the Olympian COntrols. Due to receive by Friday will install this weekend and post pics and youtube video of it for everyone to see.

Company is great to work with! Great prices and deals if you call before the end of the year since they just started up. Just call and speak to them about your needs. Very helpful and answered all of my questions.

Look forward to testing out the lights and controls soon!

1st post and like - this is the best company in the world, they don't do anything wrong, best prices, best deals..... SarTech3 is someone from Feniex??? :)
SarTechIII said:
Hey All,

Just purchased an 8 light LED Bar from them, a Siren Unit, and the Olympian COntrols. Due to receive by Friday will install this weekend and post pics and youtube video of it for everyone to see.

Company is great to work with! Great prices and deals if you call before the end of the year since they just started up. Just call and speak to them about your needs. Very helpful and answered all of my questions.

Look forward to testing out the lights and controls soon!


Why do you need a siren for search and rescue?
because he is allowed it? When i was on the squad in coffee county red clear and siren were allowed once you pass EVOC training. we didnt just go looking for people on hot summer nights when they got lost camping. we had call outs for boats going under with people on them, crash landings were fire or ems didnt want to go out in the woods if it wasnt on fire. we also assisted ambulances on man power asists, looked for lost kids in near freezing temparatures etc...
I haven't seen anyone talk about their youtube videos. The touch screen controller looks nice, i'm sure expensive though.

Hi All....

We are a distributor for Feniex and have all the products up on our website...with pricing, etc.

For the rest of the month, we are offering 10% off on all Feniex items on our store. Orders over $200 ship free through next Friday. Use the coupon code ELBFENIEX. The discount will show up on the checkout page. We prefer Google Checkout but have PayPal for those who want it. All orders are drop shipping same or next day in-stock from Feniex until we can get some quantity in house. Agency orders are also eligible for the discount.

So you all know, we did get in a few Python bars, T-4 heads, Fairy LED Hide a Ways and we are absolutely blown away at the quality and how bright they are. The Python800 is on our Charger now. I attached a pic of it on the push bumper (please forgive the iPhone night shot and un-loomed wire in the grill. I ran out before we got done...)

We are adding the Olympian Siren and Feniex I-5 computer to the car as soon as we can get a new console shipped in.

We are also adding some new Rontan items to the site as well...they should be up in the next week or so if anyone is interested.

Thanks and enjoy! It really is a good matter what your preference is.


Fast LT1 said:
Why do you need a siren for search and rescue?

Because we assist with evacuations during fire season, and heavy rains, and when we need to get thru crowds at special events and city emergencies that require code 3 response.

The main thing im getting is the better light controls and light.

Thats why!
Terry L said:
I haven't seen anyone talk about their youtube videos. The touch screen controller looks nice, i'm sure expensive though.

Am i alone or is a touchscreen for emergency equipment a bad idea in a moving vehicle?
Skippy said:
Am i alone or is a touchscreen for emergency equipment a bad idea in a moving vehicle?

If it was a bad idea. Then fedsig wouldn't of offered it with their new siren. You could say that operating any siren or switch box is a bad idea as your taking your eyes off the road to look at the buttons.
with a button or slide switch, i know where it is and can feel the resistance when pushing it without taking eyes off the road. Same goes for my radio in the car. I think it was a BMW that has a touch screen multi doo-hickey. So to change your radio channel, you had to navigate to radio then choose the button. There's no physical switch so you have to look and see where you're pushing on the screen.
SireLite said:
If it was a bad idea. Then fedsig wouldn't of offered it with their new siren. You could say that operating any siren or switch box is a bad idea as your taking your eyes off the road to look at the buttons.

Just because a major company offered it doesn't mean it's a good idea.
You have to remember that switch boxes/sirens in the next few years will all be replaced by touchscreen & voice activated systems. I bet when the Cencom came out, people were skeptical about the push switches as they weren't solid like a rocker switch.

But this is now getting off-topic.
We have been having some email issues with them as well. For some reason their domain provider is kicking back our emails to them from our domain as spam. We have called them to let them know about the problem and they say they are working to fix it. Still though....not a good thing to have happen when you are new on the or five emails later!!!

Just ordered a full setup for a department install on a 2011 F250 pickup. Pics to come once it all comes in.
Website has been working fine for us and Google has not been flagging their URL in red here that I have seen. Anybody else have any feedback to share on what they have bought so far?

Just curious to see what other users/dealers have on their mind.
I'm really kind of interested in their Touch Screen Controller. I recently purchased a FS SS2000SM on here with the intention of setting it up with a touch screen, I just do not know HOW user friendly the FS system is over this system. It would APPEAR this Feniex system is a little more user-programmable.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone has yet seen/used this system, or if I could be a reviewer, if the price was right...
xfirefighter484x said:
I'm really kind of interested in their Touch Screen Controller. I recently purchased a FS SS2000SM on here with the intention of setting it up with a touch screen, I just do not know HOW user friendly the FS system is over this system. It would APPEAR this Feniex system is a little more user-programmable.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone has yet seen/used this system, or if I could be a reviewer, if the price was right...
You do know its NOT a stand alone system- you have to have a laptop plugged inline to the touchscreen... (from what I have read)
unlisted said:
You do know its NOT a stand alone system- you have to have a laptop plugged inline to the touchscreen... (from what I have read)

That's affirmative. I already have that all planned out.
TraFx said:
xfirefighter484x - PM me with the details of your setup and I will see what I can work out for you....

PM sent
SireLite said:
If it was a bad idea. Then fedsig wouldn't of offered it with their new siren. You could say that operating any siren or switch box is a bad idea as your taking your eyes off the road to look at the buttons.

that's a horrible generalization. many sirens with the knobs are easy with operate without looking (i.e. while keeping your eyes on the road, you can take your hand off of the siren control to use the radio and then go back to operating the siren by just feeling where the knob is) or just know which buttons you need to press on the cencom or smartsiren by just being familiar with the layout of the controlpad. also, a top 3 co. making it doesn't mean anything...although i love many of their products, i'm not a fan of everything made by fedsig (i.e. IMHO, fedsig's electronic Q sounds like a cow dying; their delta ray isn't anything special; etc.)

TraFx, i'm looking forward to a vid of the F250 install when it's done
In regards to the touch screen. Well... Thats all it is, you would have to get the computer to go with it. IMO, It sounds like a bad idea. Theres no touch familiarity. Pretty much you would have to look at the screen to ensure that you are pushing the right button. Which leads us back to the moving vehicle thing... Cool idea, but i dont think the technology is quite there yet.
Bigredinstalls said:
In regards to the touch screen. Well... Thats all it is, you would have to get the computer to go with it. IMO, It sounds like a bad idea. Theres no touch familiarity. Pretty much you would have to look at the screen to ensure that you are pushing the right button. Which leads us back to the moving vehicle thing... Cool idea, but i dont think the technology is quite there yet.

Like trying to text message without looking on an iPhone...good luck. Ill keep my buttons.
Before you ask, Yes i am a dealer for feniex. So i guess i have a little bias, but ill try to keep it to a minimum. They're lights are bright, really bright, and they're customer service is exceptional. One of the strips i put on my truck had a module go bad. They're response: send a new module, at no cost to me. Heres the bonus, The strips setup is (from left to right) Amber TD TD TD TD Amber. I told them that I wasnt a fan of the T/D flashing with the ambers. They're going to try to add flash patterns that will not have the T/D flashing. I'll give an update when i get the new parts in.
Just got in our new Olympian Siren system and posted initial review and pics over on the Equipment Review thread.

Olympian_Siren 15.jpg

So far the first initial thoughts are really good....check out the review once it is approved and posted and let me know what you think

Olympian_Siren 10.jpg
After seeing a brand new thread asking about Feniex products, quality, etc.... I thought this old thread could use some reviving. It's funny to look back almost 4 years, and see how far Feniex has come. The myths, rumors, STL or not etc....


Here's to you Feniex, for continuing to satisfy customers, including myself with new products, and for listening to your customers, and trying to tailor your products to oru needs/wants!!!
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