i added myself to thier mailing list and got this form letter sent back to me:
Dear Mr. Rob Curley,
Thank you for joining our mailing list! You will now receive updates on our
launch, such as product sneak peeks on our web site and video releases. We value
your interest in our company, and we hope to impress you with our innovative
product line.
For more information,please feel free to e-mail us back with any questions.
Unfortunately though, we won't be able to release any detailed information about
our products until the summer.However, we will provide detailed videos of each
product on our site after our launch, and we will be showcasing our products at
the Firehouse Expo in Baltimore and at CopsWest in California. Again, thank
you, and we look forward to keeping you updated about the release of our
cutting-edge products. Have a great day.
The Staff at
Feniex Industries, Inc.
i sent them this as a reply:
It's July which is technically the summer. what is the date you plan on releasing your products?
Dear Mr. Curley,
Thank you for your interest in our company. The official date will be
released with confirmation on the finalization of product certifications, which
take time on the part of another party. We are eager to launch our product line
and to release the launch date. As you are now part of our mailing list, we will
send you notifications via e-mail with updates. Again, thank you, and we look
forward to keeping you updated about the release of our cutting-edge products.
Have a great day.
The Staff at
Feniex Industries, Inc.
still shrouded in so much mystery. my ADD is kicking in and i am quickly losing interest .... whoa, squirrel!!!