jonny521 said:ya i already have taken care of it soooo thanks. and ya i dont live on the site lol i have other important things to do other than look for things on here so when i do find em i post em not knowing that there is somethen already on it.
Fluffy126577 said:OK, so what your saying is your going to continue to post whatever you want knowing that it might already be on the site "cause i gots not time to looks for thing cause i dunt life on tha syte" :roll: :roll: Good call. I guess it will only be a matter of time then.
jonny521 said:no im not sayen that. what im sayen is that i will post it but if realize that there was already one on there i would just put below it just ignore cause i didnt realize there was one already on here. and unlisted can do whatever with it. plus last i checked it was a public forum and there is nothen wrong with posting somethen again if you didnt already know it was there. AM I CORRECT?
.. Its called spending 10 SECONDS, typing something into the SEARCH function and clicking the ENTER button.jonny521 said:ok than if thats the case instead of posting links from other ppl why dnt u mk a popular section and post all of the stuff and there that way you can see it. :?: not tryen to be a jerk or a pain in the a$$ but hey just pointing somethen out. just a little assanine if u ask me thats all